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spacer lift and camber


January 23, 2009
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Just got a explorer, looking to buy the spacers lifted above. Question, do you guys get camber re-adjusted after this? is it adjustable? if not doesnt it effect tire wear and handling significantly? new to the IRS stuff, on my 2000 Explorer i jacked up the torsion bars 2" and the camber wasnt to noticable

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Your going to need a 4 wheel alignment, they usually run about $75.

Mine cost $80 (AUD), or about USD$50 for a 4 wheel alignment. Alignment is needed, but no special parts are required as adjustments are still able to be done using factory parts that are already on the truck. I have had cars in the past that got a $200 lowering job, and needed a further $400 worth of camber/caster kit to get the alignment right; no such dramas with the Ex though.

hmm...i had mine checked when i had the spacers put on and it was still dead on??

camber shouldnt change with A-ARMS. only toe-in/out might move a bit. (meaning steering whel may be ****ed to one side.

camber is the lean of the tires at top/bottom. toe it the angle they point in /out towards the center of the vehicle. two VERY different things.
