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Spark plug kicking


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2010
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92 XLT
Just put my hand on the driver side spark plug boot, closest to the front of the truck (Which one is that? 123456?) and it feels like something is seriously making some contact on the inside. I can feel it all the way through the boot. The other two plugs on that side felt smooth (no hitting/kicking/slapping) when I touched the boots. Dear Lord what in the hell? Knocks like a **** when the engine is cold btw. I was trying to seafoam the lifters when I noticed it. Oil gauge will show "O" On cold mornings; fluctuating a bit. What a mess..thanks for any OHV wisdom

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#4 plug feels like something is tapping on it? Is this real?

The plug is probably broken and is leaking compression out into the ceramic.

What you are feeling is the ceramic insulator jumping around.

Replace the plug and give it a whirl.

More info?

Does it idle smooth or is there an obvious miss.

Great...engine idles smooth when its cold, knock-y and scary smooth when its at operating temp. Clean motorcraft oil in their also. Any chance a busted plug would cause the knock...that goes away when warm? And I absolutely won't move it till its quiet!

Yes, ceramic expands when it heats up like any other material, so i could be snug'n up when warm.

If it's something more serious like; sucked a valve and it's tumbling around in the cylinder, It's dead anyway.

The piston could go all the way to the top and hit the head and not hit the plug, they don't stick in that far.

I'm gotta go today on it like it is. I'll try and get the plug after work and see what's up. Can I just run it on a dead cylinder if I have to? What happens if change the plug and it's still there?

Running on a dead cylinder is not a good idea. If the plug is dead the injector does not know any better and will continue to put fuel in the cylinder. Your not burning it so it has to go somewhere. Either past the rings or out the exhaust. The unburned fuel with thin the oil and could wipe out a crank bearing. That how my son smoked mine.

P.S. I never try and touch plug wires on a running engine. If you have a really bad wire your gonna find it real fast!

Oops..wire must be good 200 miles on a full tank of city driving with 10-15 min warm ups before sound about right for mileage?

Found out the plugs in there are NGKs. I didnt remember that from the last time so I just put the old plug back in since it looked fine. It did spin freely when it was pulling the boot. I assume it shouldn'tbe able to be spun with your finger yeah? I'm tightening it and seeing what happens...

Much happier on the test drive. Tightened the old plug up and no kicking on the boot. Thanks FR-425 for the hints. That's what I needed.

Oops..wire must be good 200 miles on a full tank of city driving with 10-15 min warm ups before sound about right for mileage?

Glad you got it fixed.

Your braver than me! I've been "Blasted" a few times by spark plug wires.:D

That stuff hurts!

Glad you got it fixed.

Your braver than me! I've been "Blasted" a few times by spark plug wires.:D

That stuff hurts!

I got hit in the chin by a spark plug out of a Briggs & Stratton. Blew out while it was running, pulled the threads right out. Still have the scar!

Loose plug phobia now!
