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Speaker sizes



I have a 92 XLT 4 door explorer and I wanted to know what all sizes speakers would fit in the door panels that hold the stock speakers. All I know that fit are 6 x 8's.

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6X8" and 5X7" which is basically the same, any other size you would have to do a custom fit, I have 5 1/4" in the doors, I have a plate made out of wood the same size as the 6X8" and cut out the size for the 5 1/4" & tweet, it works great, for 6 1/2" you have to modify the door a little.

T-Man Dead Link Removed

6X8" and 5X7" which is basically the same, any other size you would have to do a custom fit, I have 5 1/4" in the doors, I have a plate made out of wood the same size as the 6X8" and cut out the size for the 5 1/4" & tweet, it works great, for 6 1/2" you have to modify the door a little. Almost anything is possible when it comes to custom jobs.

T-Man Dead Link Removed

I am confused about which speakers will fit into a 94 XLT. When I use Crutchfield's web site w/ the vehicle selector, the speakers that it brings up for my vehicle are almost all 5 1/4" speakers, not 6 x 9" that according to people on this site will fit.

What is the speaker size that will fit, w/o modification?

Bravo, Steve. I'm similarly lost by what people have been telling me here, and what crutchfield has on their site. I don't see how 6x8 is standard size, yet 6 1/2 or 5 1/4 would even fit at all. These sizes all seem to different to work.


I was wondering why you would want to run a 5 1/4 speaker instead of a 6x8? Is it that round woofers produce better bass or something...?

About the speaker shape, round is better. I don't want to get into the techinical stuff, but because a circle is perfectly semetrical, it will produce the same vibrations through out the surface of the speaker.

Well put Godfather, that's the same info I was told. As for the standard size speaker that will fit in the front and rear doors of a Ford Explorer 91-99" is 6X8", 5X7" will fit also but the book say 6X8" and we all know they are the same size as 5X7" it's just that the holes are lined up different. Any other speaker would be a custom fit, meaning you would have to do something extra to make them fit. As for 6X9" that was a sugestion for someone that wanted bass but not a sub, so I said put 6X9's in the rear cargo area, not the doors. I hope I cleared things up, if not let me . Thanks

X-Man Dead Link Removed

Just a tip: plexiglass with felt glued to it (to prevent vibration) makes the best template for smaller speakers, like a 5.25 or 4 in the 6x8 hole.

I dont know about the 5x7 the same size as a 6x8... SieI have had them both I perfer the 6x8 over the 5x7. I bought them because of the perfect fit and the 3-way it has great highs and I leave most of the bass up to the 10' Jl sub.

Kris Guilbeaux

I called about Crutchfield only saying 5 1/4 on their website. Their said the site was screwed up and only showed 5 1/4 and 6 1/2

-Joe Saitta- 91 Explorer

explorer speakers

Hi i was wondering if anyone knows what size speakers are in a 2002 explorer Eddie Bauer?

squirell420 said:
Hi i was wondering if anyone knows what size speakers are in a 2002 explorer Eddie Bauer?

as with most Ford's you can expect 6x8s all around

dang man you have the same birthday as me...weird. I'm one year older tho :D

Holy old thread batman!
