SPEAKERS! HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adam Foote

Well-Known Member
December 9, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Katy, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
Hey guys i plan on getting the Pioneer Premiere 4 way speakers in my sploder, WHAT SIZE DO WE HAVE? 6x9? or what? thanks guys, fyi i am also replacing my bolt lightening sub with Infinity Kappa Perfect 12" sub Thanks

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What do you mean 5x7/6x8? would it be possible for 6x9s? whats with ^^^^^^^^^ that?confused,thanks for responding so quick

Here's a link to the Audio FAQ:
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I believe some members have fit 6x9s in there, but it's a bit tricky. If you're gonna do that, might as well go ahead and get components.

so if i was going with the four ways which size would you recomend? i really want these speakers

well instead of trying to modify the door to fit 6X9s, you're better off installing 6.5s. they will fit. there are lot of people with 6.5" speakers in the doors.

Thanks Alec and leenjen, i appreciate the help, i will post pics when i get em

D*mn, they only have 3 ways, i wanted 4 way but i will just have to settle............
