Speedo & Engine Light Relation?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Speedo & Engine Light Relation??


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
My check engine light came on yesterday. it didnt flash, but it would stay on for about a minute, shut off for about 10seconds, then turn back on. i noticed that when it would be on, my speedo would jump. when i accerated, the tach would increase, and the vacuum would decrease, but the speedo wouldnt change. it would then jump about 10mph.

i am really confused if the check engine light would come on with a problem like this. i drove the car for an hour like that, and i didnt notice a change with engine noise or performance from the normal.

What can i do to fix this problem! my dad wont let me drive it until its fixed. please help me!!

thanks in advance

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I don't know what the problem may be, but you can try resetting the computer and see if it happens again. You can also get a code reader for $25 and run the codes and see what the computer tells you.

code reader for only $25?? where can i get this deal :p

I got mine at WalMart...yep $25.
It's a real handy little tool for 95 and older. Read the book then give it a shot and use it to clear the codes also.
worked for me, pinpointed a problem w/EGR sensor.
