Spout connecter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spout connecter?


February 21, 2007
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91 EB
my cousin has a 2001 ranger 4wd with the 4.0 sohc. he is looking for the spout connecter and cant find it. does this year model have that and if so where is it located?

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Never heard of that term, what is it?

Usually I hear it in reference to the distributor to pull the timing back so you can set base timing. I've also heard the octane shorting block called that before but I don't know if the term can really be used interchangeably.


well its a small connector, has 2 wires goin into it and the little thing you pull out just makes it connect at all times. has something to do with setting base timing. also makes the computer run in open loop where the engine runs off preset parameters in the computer. or is that closed loop? i forget

I haven't heard of a spout connector ever being used on a distributor less motor that has a cam/crank sensor, with the sohc motors have.


ohh. well i wasnt sure if it had one or not. so none of the dis engines have them?

The last model year for SPOUT in Rangers was 1994. It can be found in both distributor and distributorless systems.
