Stalls on startup when hot | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stalls on startup when hot


Explorer Addict
January 27, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer Premier
i have a 96 xlt.

when i start it up in the morning or after not friving it for a while it is fine. but say i go into a grocery store or something, then come out and start it, the rpm guage drop almost to 0 and my battery guage bounces up and down.

the only way i keep it from stalling is by pressing the gas pedal to rev it. then after about 10 seconds, everything will be fine again, the rpm guage will level at about 500, and the battery guage is dead center.

what can be doing this?

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Could it be a fuel filter? It could fire up fine but as PSI goes up after driving and fuel starts going through the filter it could get stuff stirred up or clogged? The other thing I was wonder what is your temp reading at?

white95explorer said:
Could it be a fuel filter? It could fire up fine but as PSI goes up after driving and fuel starts going through the filter it could get stuff stirred up or clogged? The other thing I was wonder what is your temp reading at?

i was thinking the same thing. i will change my filters when i change my oil soon. my temp guage is fine. it is at about 1/4 which is right.

my IAC caused a rough idle when i'd start it hot. replaced the IAC..prob solved.

96limitedX said:
my IAC caused a rough idle when i'd start it hot. replaced the IAC..prob solved.
i just cleaned the IAC about 2 weeks ago. and it is only 2 years old. i will clean it again.

If it was your fuel filter..In most cases....the vehicle/motor will lose its power as you are running it and then die out..then after it was shut off for a while, the sediment and junk would settle a little out of the bad filter and the vehicle will start up and run fine for a little while, but will repeat its problem and then not run worth a crap until the filter was replaced.
A bad TPS..Throttle Postion Sensor or the IAC may be the stinker.....IS it throwing any codes???
I say the TPS because another member said their truck had startup problems and then when they pressed on the gas pedal a little while cranking the engine..the truck started OK..!!!

Also don't rule out an O2 sensor. When going bad, O2s have been known to cause hot no-starts/hard-starts/engine dying/poor idle.

i believe everyones suggestions are good. it may be the throttle sensor. i've never checked into that. also, i've been meaning to change my O2 sensors anyway. i know they are kinda expensive, but i also believe that they are the original ones, and it is a 96 with 127,000.

also, i don't have a CEL coming on, i don't have a scanner either to check codes, but i can have someone do it for me.
