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Stalls when warm


Active Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Lauderdale FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Splorer XLT 2 WD 4L
95 X 4L that stalls once it's warmed up.
So far I have replaced the IAC, plugs, wires, seafoam, throttle body cleaner, air filter, fuel filter, water pump, thermostat. The old plugs did not show signs of any cylinder issues, just some carbon on it.

When cold or warming up the engine runs great, no misses no backfires no nothing. When it warms up it will idle at about 900-1000rpm and then all of a sudden die. There is no CEL that comes on when this problem happens. The way that I am able to get it started again would be to wait a few minutes, floor the gas pedal down as I am trying to start it. Once it starts up some black smoke comes out of the tail pipe and it smells like you're spraying the throttle body with throttle body cleaner. After it is started it takes a few seconds before it runs normal, it will sort of bog slightly. From there it will idle at nearly 2k rpm..

I have no idea where else to begin to look. It's hard to get a scan for codes because it's OB1 and Autozone does not do it for free like they do on OB2. Money is a bit tight right now so bringing it some where to have a scan is tough.

Any thoughts?

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Some 95's are obd 1 and some are obd 2 I think. My question is do you have a MAF sensor? If so It may need cleaning with maf cleaner. Its real sensative and a big player in engine management.

Double check the coil pack.

I believe that the build date is 6/95. There is a connection on the drivers side under the dash for what looks like an OB scanner. I used a vagcom scanner but it said it couldn't communicate.
I do have a MAF sensor.

I took mine off today to look at it but for some reason the "wire" part of the MAF was not attached to the sensor, it just stayed in the throttle body. Here is an example of what I mean.


On that picture it shows as it being one unit, my sensor part was not attached to the flat part of the actual sensor.

I don't have the same equipment but I think you may be on to something. How the heck would the wire come off? It's kind of strange that I would mention the MAF then it so hapens that there is a wire problem there.

Well it's the whole black part of the sensor that isn't attached to the silver part of the sensor. I didn't pull the black part out of the intake.

Actually, I was looking at the TPS, I don't even see a MAF.

Do you have enough fuel pressure?

Going to check that once I get a fuel pressure tester. I'm starting to think that it is a fuel pump or something with the egr system going..So damn frustrating.

That frustration always seems to be forgotten after you start making progress. I've seen it a lot worse in thees fuel system problems. Have you checked the fuel filter. There was a thread here one time that was over five pages long. The guy replaced every thing under the sun and dropped the tank about four times. It turns out he had a small leak in the fuel line.

Yeah I have replaced the fuel filter about a week ago.
