stuck in 4 low | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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October 16, 2010
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Ravenna, Ohio
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'97 4 door
I have followed all the advice about taking the tc motor off and switching it into neutral manually... my tc still wont come out of 4 low even though the switch is in auto and the pin is in neutral.

Im assuming that there are problems in the transfer case directly dealing with the gears. My question is will a transfer case off a 94 exp 4x4 work on my 97? I have a bw4405... im not sure what is on the 94....

Is there anyway to get it into 4high or out of 4wd at all to bypass it all the way??

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The 94 is a 1354 TC, it will only work if it is a manual shift.

You might have blown a clutch pack in the 4405, or you need to rock the truck back & forth to relive the binding pressure built up so it will shift out of low back into high.

Have someone under the rig turning the shift rail on the 4405 tc, and someone rocking the rig at the same time.

I had this problem as well, i put the switch on auto and disconnected the battery for about a half hour, hooked the battery back up and it was fixed. not sure if it'll work for you, might be a different problem but worth a shot.

ok so we went to pull a part and bought a bw4405-12 and mine was a bw4405-08. The only difference is that there is no speed censor on it. No biggy... BUT I am still stuck in 4 low!!!! We took the motor off of the tc and put in into high manually and it is fine, BUT we cant hook the motor back up onto the tc because it will automatically go into 4low

Can someone tell me what to do next???

Wait up a second please.

You removed the shift motor off the stock TC or the newer TC? if you mean the stock TC, just leave it off and ziptie it to the frame rail for now. Sounds like a 4x4 module or a GEM problem.

97 is year specific for the TC. You can run a 95-96 4405-ca in a 97 but you have to use the front drive shaft out of the vehicle it came out of.

If you install that other TC from the JY, you will be throwing codes, and have no speedometer, or Odometer. This will result in transmission problems. The electronic controlled trans uses the VSS to know which gear it needs to be in. Without it, it will throw itself into neutral and into limp mode.

Bottom line is that TC without a VSS is no good to you. Sorry.

I was talking about the tc motor from the jy one.. it is just tied up for the time being.

My transmission is hesitating shifting from 1-2 and from 2-3... once we get to speed on the highway it runs good... we will be taking the tc that we just got back to the jy on thursday and getting another one that has the vss in it. Its really tough with 97 explorers due to the 1/2 year changes on it that make some parts from 97 and some from 98.

Im a tryin to keep my patience.. I just wanna take a BFH to the truck right now...
