Superchip!?!??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Active Member
December 29, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 4.0L 4x4
I bought espnfreak's super chip - it matches my MKK2 engine code - and very carefully installed it per the instructions -

Truck started and ran great on the 2/3 tank of 87 octane - filled the balance with 91 octane

Noticed tonight and on my drive home yesterday that the truck hesitates when warmed up and sitting stopped at a stop light - RPMs drop from idle at about 800 to almost 0 and then pick up again or if I let it idle and rev the engine a few times in park it will actually stall. Does not happen when the truck is cold -

Any ideas? Is it the odd mix of fuel?

I like the way it shifts - chip seems to hold it in a lower gear - other than that I cannot convince myself it is that much faster - might be a bit, but I am currently distracted by the hesitation when the motor is hot.

Thanks for any and all comments -


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Or 93

Originally posted by aldive
It probably needs 83 gas.

Don't you mean 93. 83 would definately cause his X to knock and ping.

Should I try burning off the whole tank and then filling or should I dilute what I have with 93?


Doesn't mixing the 2 octanes cause the gas to be the lower of the octanes? I heard this somewhere..

Thanks -

will try more 93 octane (that is what I filled the other half of the tank with after putting in the chip) - if it still bucks I'll pull the chip and burn off the gas and then refill with 93 and try again.

It just gets so friggin' dark here at 4:45 PM here now - I'll have to wait 'til Saturday.

Unfortuantely I am goign to Chicago with my wife and the truck will sit for a week and a half - I'll let you know what happens -

