Superlift 4" kit ??? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Superlift 4" kit ???

Locker install went very smooth. Seems to work right and get good traction. Haven't driven but on the road yet, will have to find a mud puddle soon. I seem to be dealing with what others are saying are just breaking in issues of poping now and again. I will let you know more after I have had several miles on it.:p

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Yeah I talked to Nick and that was the best price around at $1130 for the front. everywhere I called the front box kit for the ranger was more. I wish they shocks where in their own box kit so I wouldn't have to buy them. I may use the front at first (till I can afford the proper RS9000) but the rear I will stay with my RS 9000. Unfortunately according to superlift the front has two box kits and one has ALL FOUR shocks in it. That has to tack on a couple hundred to hte price, oh well I guess they will make good spares!:cool:


You have a 96? I've noticed the adds listing the 96-2001 Superlift kits for Explorers. I thought that the 96 listing might have been a typo as Trailmaster had in one ad. Previously they only had the lift listed for the 98-2001 as the torsion bar mounts were bolted on for those years...
Did they have new mounting brackets for the welded on torsion bar mounts on the 95-97? Or was it a typo and you had yours cut off and remounted?
Did you do the install yourself or did a shop do it, and if so what did they charge?

Re: Xceslimited

Originally posted by ExplorGM
You have a 96? I've noticed the adds listing the 96-2001 Superlift kits for Explorers. I thought that the 96 listing might have been a typo as Trailmaster had in one ad. Previously they only had the lift listed for the 98-2001 as the torsion bar mounts were bolted on for those years...
Did they have new mounting brackets for the welded on torsion bar mounts on the 95-97? Or was it a typo and you had yours cut off and remounted?
Did you do the install yourself or did a shop do it, and if so what did they charge?

Well I don't know if you are talking to me or not, but I do have a 97 and the 96-01 is not a typo. I don't know why 95 isn't included?:D . Mine are welded on and I have not done the install yet, just ordered it today! I will do a writeup once I get it installed, probably a while from now judging by my schedule:( . But I will let you know none the less. I will probably have to grind off my torsion bar mounts and drill new mounting holes or weld hte new brackets on. I haven't surveyed the front yet been too busy planning the spring over rear!

But I did get my locker installed last weekend and I love it!

I don't know why the 95 isn't included either. Alot of shops that sell stuff for explorers list the 95 along with the 91-94's. It makes me mad.

If anyone with a 95 gets this kit it will work, 95's are exactly the same as 96's suspension-wise.

For the 95-97 the new torsion bar brackets will "piggy back" the existing ones. So you wont have to cut off the old ones.


How do they attach? Have you done the install? Do you have pictures?

Same questions?

I don't know if anyone is actually running this kit yet??? I know there are others running the 4" ranger kit which should be the same thing. i am getting so excited to get her!:confused:
