T Case dilemna | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T Case dilemna

November 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Warsaw, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer SPort
I hope that this isn't a dumb question.
I'm new and have been reading alot of useful posts on here for a few weeks. I have a 97 Explorer Sport Control Trac (Auto, 4WD HI + LO). Recently the T Case started jumping like crazy so to limp it by I removed the front d shaft. Well off of ebay I ordered a 99 explorer t case because I thought I read somewhere it didn't matter, but after getting ready to swap I found out that the 99 has the speedo sensor on the rear diff.

Here is my question, can I swap parts between T case's and use the back half off the old one along with the shaft and put the new gears etc from the new one in? There probobly isn't any kind of easy adaptor to put on this?

Any help would be appreciated, especially since winter is just around the corner. I am rather mechanical and feel I can do this, but before I rip both T cases apart I'd like to know whether or not it will work. :confused:


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I believe IZWack did that with his.... I could be mistaken though. I'm sure whomever it was will be along shortly....


Man I hope so, I've read several technical articles written by some very smart people on here so I know the answer is lurking around somewhere..........................


Found this:

I just finished overhauling a t-case from a '99 XLT with control trac (torque on demand) The best advice I can give is to find the CD of the service bay manual on e-bay and buy it! Whatever the cost! Mine was less than $12.00 including shipping. The next things to remember is: you have to completely remove it from the truck and work on a bench.
I have read on this forum of people who swapped parts between years and that should not be a problem providing the original case is OK. Sometimes the problem is the case itself. If that is your case (no pun intended) you may have bought an extra t-case and still won't be able to solve the problem.
Do a very detailed search on this forum and others to gather all the info you can. Believe me it will help more than you will realize until you are all done.

Good Luck,

Gene in Hillsboro, OR
