T-case out (again!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T-case out (again!)


July 21, 1999
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City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Mazda Navajo LX 4x4
Anyone have suggestions on increasing the reliability of the BW 13-54 electronic controlled t-case? Mine has gone out (3rd time in 8 months) and I'm just about to toss it into Galveston bay! I already rebuilt the motor twice last year but this time that's not the problem.

I'm going to miss the Truckhaven Run because I'm not about to make a 24-hour drive just to putt around in 2wd. I would seriously like to petition Ford to remedy this problem, as I know this is a common issue...

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What exactly is breaking in your transfer case. Is it the shift forks, planetary gearset, or bearings.

Actually the t-case innards are fine. It's that damn electric motor that keeps failing...

Sorry to hear your T-Case has gone up again. That's funny. I have a 94 that I'm almost definate that the T-Case fluids have never been changed in up until yesterday and when I changed them it was blacker than oil 6K miles overdue. I swear when I added it to my used oil container it made the used oil darker. The funny thing is.... I haven't had a problem with mine. Now I take it you're problem is with the electronics side of things not the innards...

My suggestion would be to buy an Atlas II from Advanced Adapters. It save you the headaches it seems that the electronic stuff has caused you.

Do you do many deep water crossings with your truck?? That may be the cause to the faulty electronics... Who knows... Now my luck my transfercase will crap out on me this weekend. LOL

Just my two cents...

Happy wheelin,

94 Explorer XLT
4" Superlift Suspension
33X10.50 BFG AT KO's
Flowmaster II Cat-Back System
KKM Tru-Rev Intake
Warn Manual Locking Hubs
Hillbilly Tow Hooks (Chain bolted to the frame front and rear)
Hi-Lift Jack
Spare Parts....

I'd LOVE to buy the Atlas II t-case but $2500, DAMN!!! Nope, it looks like I'm stuck with this piece of crap. Maybe I'll see how the "Want a Lever Pull Transfer Case!" message string develops and swap in a manual.

I don't do river crossings so that's not an issue. I've torn down the electric motor and put it back together so many times now that I can do it drunk in the dark. Each time I get different results. Sometimes the unit won't engage. Sometimes it won't disengage.

I've sent an e-mail to a vise-pres. at Borg Warner asking for help increasing reliability of this unit. Haven't gotten a response yet and doubt I ever will. God I'd love a manual t-case...
