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Tail Lights


Well-Known Member
June 14, 2007
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City, State
algonquin, IL.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer XLT
I want to smoke out my tailights to nearly pitch black. i have searched and i went out and bought static cling tint but it wont mold around the light without wrinkling, i went and bout some of the rc car window tint spray and tried my luck at it on a peice of spare plexi glass and it came out horrific, so all i really want to know now is, are there any tailights that i can buy that are presmoked to near pitch black, or are there covers that i can buy.

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have you tried your local window tinter??? out here they do it for like 50 bucks a set...

These are options...



i have asked window tinters to tint my windows, which by the way they want 300 to do the whole car, not just the back is that too much? i never thought to ask to get the tail lights done.

And what is illinois law on tailights, do you have to see red or can it be black as long as red shines through?

it's a federal law..that is why you have a d.o.t. stamp on your lenses...if you are asking if you can get a ticket??? definately a good posibility...a ticket is also possible for your tint, but that is a state law and if you search on here you will find a link to all states tint laws...300 for the the whole car is not absurd, you can find cheaper..some places even charge more as they guarantee not only the tint, but if you get a ticket, they will remove the tint, you get your ticket taken care of, and for no addittional charge, they replace the same tint...btw, your local tint stores too will have your local and state laws handy...;)

i found these tail light covers called ventshade tail light covers. Has anyone ever used them or know how they are installed. i might get some it all depends on if its easy for someone to come up to my truck at night and rip them off,
