The first dent is the hardest (completely shattered, broken computer screen) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The first dent is the hardest (completely shattered, broken computer screen)

Ken Adams

New Member
December 3, 2019
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Missed my turn this morning, slammed on the brakes (brakes work!), and the stuff I was carrying (deck boards) slammed into the monitor in a couple places, completely breaking the glass and the screen behind it. 2020 Ford Explorer Limited. Agh, I'm so bummed! Is this an easy DIY repair? Silver lining is that this monitor isn't really built into the dash. If only I could find the mounting screws, how to get to them, and the part #. Could this be the plastic piece I need to remove to remove the monitor?



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Ouch.. I am not sure if it is DIY or not. Assuming you can replace the screen pretty easily, I question if it needs to be programmed or not.

Are you going through insurance? I cant imagine this is a cheap repair (parts).

Considering it is a 2020 model that looks like an expensive repair to me but I am no electronics wizard either. I image there aren't a lot of DIY videos for a model this new. Maybe investing in a shop manual would be helpful? Plus, getting a part for this might be difficult, and expensive, since there probably isn't a lot of demand for touch screens in a completely new 2020 model.

Is that a plastic cutout behind the screen? Can you pop that off? Probably expose screws to a mounting bracket.

Total damage is $600 ($425 screen, 1.5 hours of labor $175). I feared it was going to be $1,000+. Screen was in stock from New York (screen supplier?). Dealership said there is some programming involved (so beyond unscrewing, unplugging, plugging in new, screwing in new). I'm not sure how much programming or to what degree, but that's what he said. So I'll have it replaced next week. For other readers and Googlers, protect the screen with a pillow or pad or something when hauling lumber... seems obvious retrospectively tho!

I have noticed when you reach your hand under the screen you can feel the wires and Plugs. I would pull the plastic cutout in your first pic, remove the screws and it probably pops right out.

I have noticed when you reach your hand under the screen you can feel the wires and Plugs. I would pull the plastic cutout in your first pic, remove the screws and it probably pops right out.

I bet you're right The dealership called me back, and said they downloaded some repair manual already, and said it's only held on with 3 screws. And that there's no programming. Suggested I save the labor cost and try it myself. I commended him on his honesty, and ordered the part for a DIY. Sweet! Total cost 425 plus tax.

I bet you're right The dealership called me back, and said they downloaded some repair manual already, and said it's only held on with 3 screws. And that there's no programming. Suggested I save the labor cost and try it myself. I commended him on his honesty, and ordered the part for a DIY. Sweet! Total cost 425 plus tax.

Do you have a part #? Did you check online on the discounted Ford parts sites? You typically save 30%+

Do you have a part #? Did you check online on the discounted Ford parts sites? You typically save 30%+

Cable Assy | FordUS

Looks like part # 10D885, but it's listed only in the diagram and not the associated list under "Related Parts". A quick search for that comes up with all sorts of discontinued screens that look very different, this part # must have been resused many times for different screens. So I'm not sure.

Do you have a part #? Did you check online on the discounted Ford parts sites? You typically save 30%+
The problem is that the sites I use don't even have the 2020 model year to even select from yet.


The problem is that the sites I use don't even have the 2020 model year to even select from yet.


Correct, but if you have a part number, it will come up.
