Tires on stock rims | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tires on stock rims

I've been looking around for wheels and tires and I'm curious, How big of a tire can I put on my stock rims, which I guess are 15x7. I want to put at least 33s, if not 35s on my ex. I know its not suggested to put 12.50" wide tires on 7" wide rims, but would say 33/10.50 or 335/10.50 fit without any problems? Or if I'm better off just getting new wheels also, where would one suggest finding a decent deal on them. I'm constantly watching the Parts for Sale area.

Also, on a side note, I'm looking for All Terrian tires.


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33x10.5 or 33x11.5 (not sure if that size exists) would be the max. 35s are just too big for stock rims. I have 32x11.5s on stock rims and they work fine.

I had 36 x 12.50 tires mounted on my stock wheels, still have 33 x 12.50 mounted on another set of stock wheel. Never had a problem in nearly 8 years.

So I could put 33x12.50 on my stock rims AT LEAST until I get some new rims? That would be very very nice...

Also, is there much, if any, difference performance wise between 12.50 and 10.50 wide tires?

murk... i have 33 12.50's on my stock rims... they havent given me any problems what so ever... go for it! :thumbsup:

33x12.5's will be fine on stock wheels until you get new ones. Differences in 10 and 12" wide tires: 10 will fit better and put less strain on the driveline, so you won't lose as much power as with 12's. 12's will look and perform better offroad because of the wider footprint but have a mucher higher risk of rubbing and are less easy to turn with stock gears. Not huge differences, but they are there.

hi murk, i put 33x10.5x15 BFGoodrich muddys on my stock 15x7 rims and they fit perfect, im also thinkn about putn 35s, let us all know how it go if you get 35s.

Oh, I love this site. Thank you all for your input. This takes some weight off my shoulders knowing I'll be able to get to work a few hundred dollars sooner.

what else is needed to fit those tires? i was thinkin of getting the 33-12.50's on the stock rims?

atleast 5 inches of lift. 3inch body and 2inch tt... if your in a 2nd gen explorer which im assuming you are since your name is 99-5.0explorer haha...

well i did the tt and shackles(no aal yet) on the stock tires(235-70-15) lol lifted it but now it looks funny lol wheres the best place to get the body lift also how hard is it to put in/do u need to make raditor brackets?,shift link. need to be longer?,what about hte stering shaft?(sorry bout all the questions but i had alot to do when u B/L my 84 F-350)thanks guys

All the bracketry comes with it. The only thing you'll need to make is the rear bumper brackets because the ones supplied don't work.

ok cool where would i get this kit at? summit racing.. they have the kit for the explorer or is this for the ranger? part number? thanks

i ordered mine from o'reillys... a performance accessories kit.. i cant remember i think it was pa885? i dunno... it was like 209

209 :eek: i seen them at summit racing for 150ish ??

PA-883. It's a Ranger kit.

ehh thats just bein lazy and not shoppin around. it really didnt bother me much haha...
