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To anyone with 5.0 + Apten Chip

Hey all...I gots me a question.

I have an itchin to spend more on my truck and was thinking about an Apten chip.

Now my question is...would I pretty much have to get the chip that runs on premium to see the best results? Or would I maybe I could get away with one that runs on regular? I'm only curious b/c the gas prices are really still a bit high up here (at least for premium). Maybe a flip chip with both programs would be best?

Also...is it really worth it? Like what kinda gains would I be looking at (more low end/high end etc). I lost a bit of low end w/ my 3' cat-back but I really made up for it in the high end...maybe this would put some back? Just curious....

Maybe I should go for a EE swaybar instead? Hmmm.....

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Yep; get a flip. Many factors play on the final gain; expect 15 to 25 horse average from my experience. Did you look at the tuners?

I Don't have a chip, so I can't comment on it, but I DO have swaybars and they're worth every penny. :)

Peformancenut - what factors are you talking about? And what do you mean by tuners? I'm not to familiar w/ chips and whatnot. What mods do you have on your v8? If it would make my truck haul even more ass, then it might be a possibility. I even hear they increase gas mileage....but if I can feel more power I'd definetely have the pedal to the floor all the time. :burnout:

v8 - That's what I've heard...that you really get your money's worth with the swaybars. I'd really like to be able to feel this mod, let it be either performance or handling. Either way, I just want to make sure i'm getting all the bang for the buck. I don't want it to be one of those "I spent 350 on a bigger MAF and I think I almost feel something in the seat of my pants."

Hm....Maybe i'll just get both!!! :nono: :bounce: Damn money pit!!

rydinhigh said:
Get a superchip Brian that used to work at Apten is now working there.

Is there really a difference between the two compaines? I thought Apten was the way to go these days.

I have a Brian H chip too. :D The chicks dig it.

From personal experience Apten has been going down hill in the customer service department since Brian left.

Interesting....maybe i'll look closer into Superchips instead. I took a look at the website and they have all their ads about the microtuner for $450 bucks....I think i'll have to pass on that. It's a wee bit more then I was planning on spending. I might just wait till next year when I get my tax return and use that to get the microtuner. Or maybe i'll just get a single program chip instead. If only gas still wasnt 2.xx+ a gallon...this decision would be so much easier! :rolleyes:


Its not the brand name of a chip you want to invest in - its the program written to it. Basically - a chip is a chip. Brian Herron was at Apten, and is by far the best programmer I have seen. When he was there, Apten used Diablo chips. Now he is with Superchips and putting his program into their chips. Try him at this link:


Changing the sway bars will add a different feel to your X. If I was starting over again, I would do the sway bars first.

So yeah.... I had an impulse buy today and ordered the swaybar. :D It was cheaper and I think i'll wait on the chip for gas to go down a bit. Also, if I wait for my tax return, I can get the 3 program chip instead of the single one which might be more of a benefit...but im still thinking about that.

Now I can't wait to get the swaybar! EE's service is so great. Not only did he give me $10 off, he shipped it out the same day! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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