Torque Converter Installation Help Please | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Torque Converter Installation Help Please

Yessir Brooklyn. It was turning just fine. After I got one nut started and tried to the turn the flywheel it turned a little bit and now it won't turn anymore.

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Yeah. It looks perfectly fine. I dunno. I might've overtorqued some of the bolts on the bellhousing. :mad: Would that seize it up like that?

I dunno what went wrong with the installation, 'cause I wasn't there. BUT, it sounds like the TC wasn't fully seated in the front pump gears and now everything is in a bind causing the lockup situation.

the TC would have spun like you said without actually seating into the pump gears. then forcing it all together by tightening the bellhousing bolts has caused the problem that you described.

I know it's a lot of work, but put the jack back under the tranny and loosen ALL the bellhousing bolts. don't remove them, just back them almost out and see if things loosen up. (pry the tranny away from the motor)

if things turn, you may be able to spin the converter into the pump gears and all will be well...................but I've seen front pump gears broken by similar situations.

keep us posted.......................jjf

I'm back. The transmission is in. Absolutely everything is put back together. I just have one problem now...The starter won't kick on when I turn the ignition. :thumbdwn: I've replaced the starter, since it had a lifetime warranty on it, and that didn't work. Trying to get it started and running by 4 so I can take it to get the exhaust fixed.


Nevermind. Got the problem solved. Bad solenoid, plus the guy I had connect my shift linkage didn't do it right, so it won't shift into park. But he's coming to fix it at 5 and I'm taking it to the muffler shop in the morning to weld the exhaust piece back on. Appreciate all of your help guys. And if anyone has any problems installing an A4LD transmission, I'll be glad to share my experiences.

I have the torque converter installed and the transmission now fully seated and pulled to the engine. The only problem I'm having now is the flywheel won't turn to get the converter nuts in. Any help is appreciated.
How did you get the tranny fully seated with the engine ?

i need help please. how do i get my torque converter all the way locked in to the transmission. when i tighten the transmission housing bolts to the motor the torque converter will not turn at all for me to put the nuts on the flex plate which i believe then that the converter needs to go at least farther back by an eigth to a quarter of an inch. when i leave a gap between the motor and transmission housing around a quarter of an inch then it will spin. a transmission mechanic told me that the shaft needs to be out of the torque converter to install which mine is in the converter when i'm installing it.

Welcome to this forum! Put the shaft into the transmission first, then tilt the transmission at a slight angle, and continue to rotate it while you hear the converter dropping a step at a time.

Torque converter clicking

I just rebuilt my first A4LD and am excited/anxious to see if I did it right. I have one final question though. I just placed the torque converter in the trans and I believe it is fully seated (approx. 1/2 in gap between a strait edge on the bell housing and the little knob that comes out of the TC.) when I turn the TC It makes a noise though. It sounds like it is clicking over on a gear, not grinding or squealing, but a knock or click sond. Is this normal or is there something wrong?
I really need to get this trans tested ASAP so any help would be appreciated.

Sometimes its the ribbing on the torque converter's body rubbing against the rear of the bellhousing (cauz the torque converter is pulled forward when its bolted to the flexplate).

Thanks a lot guys. You really helped me out. As I said I am only just beginning my rebuilding life and I was a little worried. Thanks for all your help.

Kay mine was doing the same clunk thing so when i install it it will go away right???
