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Torsen & Supercharger

I got the top plate attached to the supercharger and got the pulley installed. I'm hoping to tear the truck apart over the holiday weekend and have a Supercharged Sport Trac by the weekend!

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Be sure to put the whole intake together before it's on the truck all the brass fittings and most importantly use liquid thread sealer or you most likely have vacuum leaks

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Be sure to put the whole intake together before it's on the truck all the brass fittings and most importantly use liquid thread sealer or you most likely have vacuum leaks
Thanks for the tip. I have a question for you.

Early in the instructions, it has you unbolt the Vacuum Regulator. I can't see where that's ever bolted to anything again. Am I missing it or does it just float freely?

Also, I ordered the IAT temp gauge from Modd but can't find instructions. Did you order that? I'm trying to figure out which wires it splices to? I believe they're from the MAF but I'm not sure

Early in the instructions, it has you unbolt the Vacuum Regulator. I can't see where that's ever bolted to anything again. Am I missing it or does it just float freely?
You have to make your own bracket
lso, I ordered the IAT temp gauge from Modd but can't find instructions. Did you order that? I'm trying to figure out which wires it splices to? I believe they're from the MAF but I'm not sure
if your uncomfortable don't change anything
Yes it's your Maf you will have to cut two of the Maf wires and connect them to the temp sensor and install it on the bottom intake plate

You have to make your own bracket
if your uncomfortable don't change anything
Yes it's your Maf you will have to cut two of the Maf wires and connect them to the temp sensor and install it on the bottom intake plate

Do you happen to know which wires they are? I've got the sensor installed in the bottom plate and the wires are run towards the MAF... just don't know which wires to cut/splice and can't find it anywhere

No I'm not sure sorry

I finished the installation today with the existing IAT wiring. I received a response from Modd saying he's out of the office but will send me the wiring instructions for the new one in a few days and then I'll just splice it in. Right now it's just running off temp at the MAF.

The ECU was kind of funky (high idle) from miles 3-11 and it threw a code but she settled in after that and I cleared the code and put another 15 miles on her without a problem.

I'll post pics tomorrow.

So far, I've been pretty easy on the gas but the power seems smooth but certainly not overwhelmingly significant. I hope to get a little better return for my money when I can get on the pedal a little better.

What's your take on your SC, donalds?

I don't / can't drive for medical reasons
I put this together for my wife I also installed a new engine before the supercharger as a good platform I did not use the iat will ad it later with some other goodies

I never got a code or any problems

Go easy on her at first hit the gas up to about 4k rpm that will give you a taste of the power
My wife breaks loose the back tires all the time

At least you didn't have to rewire your whole engine harness like me

Remember this whole setup works off of vacuum
Which means you must load the engine to fully activate the blower which means smack that gas if you don't hear the blower you aren't using it

ff to 25 seconds :)

Finally got the IAT wired in and flipped the EGR to give a little more clearance. She finished off really clean. Great noise and noticable improvement in power.

I can spin the tires all the way up a steep dirt road by my house and rooster tail a donut at the top!

I don't know if I'll bump it up to 5.5lbs boost or just leave it at 3.5lbs. The Modd kit was excellent and easy to install. The parts are high quality and had great fitment and tight tolerances.


Finally got the IAT wired in and flipped the EGR to give a little more clearance. She finished off really clean. Great noise and noticable improvement in power.

I can spin the tires all the way up a steep dirt road by my house and rooster tail a donut at the top!

I don't know if I'll bump it up to 5.5lbs boost or just leave it at 3.5lbs. The Modd kit was excellent and easy to install. The parts are high quality and had great fitment and tight tolerances.

View attachment 172005
Not to bad i like it at least you did not have to rewire your whole engine harness

Make a YouTube vid please and let's hear it and tell us about it a little bit please.

Very nice :^) I have a complete moddbox setup I bought for my 2005 sport trac. Unfortunately the transmission ate itself before I got installed (newer motor with an original transmission...bad idea) I was looking forward to chirping 3rd gear :^(
