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TPS problem


Elite Explorer
June 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Clarita, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4x4
My O/D light has been flashing about every week for a few weeks with no difference in the tranny, but I decided to change the TPS just in case. $25 at Autozone. It took me forever to get the thing out as the loctite was more like a weld than a glue on the screws. I disconnected the battery, installed the new TPS, reconnected the battery and drove away, only to stall a few blocks later. I went back home, fiddled with the TPS with no luck. I was able to drive it to Autozone and get the part replaced. The replaced TPS was better, no stall but very bizarre tranny shifting and my check engine light came on. Still not right.

What did I do wrong? The guy at Autozone said the TPS "sometimes needs to be adjusted." Anyone know what that means?

I am gonna take it to the dealer tomorrow if I can't fix it tonight.

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its possibly you got a TPS for the wrong code. I'm pretty sure newer explorers are like my F-150 in that they have a calibration code as well as an engine code, etc. Well for my F-150 in the same year there are several different calibration codes, and if you dont get the TPS that matches your calibration code, it can cause big problems. Ford is typically the best place to find out what part number goes with which calibration code, or if you even have a cal. code.


I thought it was a straight swap...kind misleading that you can buy the part and everywhere I look it says it is an easy swap.

Now I know.

mine was defiantely not an easy swap, I had the same problem with those screws, took me a few hours to get em off, pains in the ass!

Wow, good info Matt. I thought they were a straight swap as well. Does anyone know if the 1st gens are like that?

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