tranny nightmare | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tranny nightmare


September 30, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Gainesville , Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt
I think I am just wasting my time the tranny is probably fried. I have a 98 4.0 2wd xlt w\overdrive. It is slipping in drive from stop. If I manually shift to low 1 or 2 it catches and pulls just fine......I changed the filter and fluid about 7000 miles ago.


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First thing first, what is the color & condition of the tranny fluid?

kinda dark and smelly..........alittle burnt

happend to me

after changing trany oil my transsmision started doing the same thing and i ended up rebuilding it changing your tranny oil might of caused it donot run it get it checked out ,i ran it and it cost me 1800 dollars to fix ,for some reason after the oil change , the parts in the tranny were not getting lubricated.

yeah I 'm gonna drop it tomorrow or the next day depending on how long it takes me to get my F-250 driveable.........Anyone know a good transmission guy in North Central Florida????????
