Transmission Problems P0756 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission Problems P0756


New Member
September 11, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer XLT
My truck hasn’t been shifting right Then I noticed that the check engine light was on and the over-drive off light was blinking. It usually happens when I come to a complete stop then when i step on the gas the rpms just keep going up until I let off the gas and then it shifts.. So, I took it to Advanced Auto today to see what the check engine light was about and I got this code...
P0756 Shift Solenoid E/R B CKT Performance or Stuck off

What exactly is this and will i be able to fix it myself is there a step by step procedure to fix it? BTW I have a 1997 Explorer 4.0

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i think there is a bullentin on the trans problem and it is the casket between the valve body and trans case

i cant really find any good information about it......

It's your torque converter clutch solenoid. It's located on top of the tranny. How many miles are on the truck? How has it been driven? It is easier to remove the center console and cut a hole in the carpet to replace it than it is to get to it from under the truck. These are known for either rusting, corroding, or coming loose from tranny vibrations. Especially if you are fairly hard on the truck. This is your first step to fixing it, and the cheapest. If replacing that doesn't solve your issue, then when the truck is driving well, sell it. It is internal and not cheap to fix, even if you do fix it, it will happen again. My truck has been doing the same thing for more than 30k. The O/D light flashing is telling you that it is in "limp" mode.

Ill probably take it to a garage then...sounds too difficult for me...

Has your trans problem been solved?
