Transmission & radiator problem. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission & radiator problem.


New Member
August 2, 2011
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downey ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 explorer 5.0 v8
ive got a 96 explorer 5.0 v8. having problems with radiator n transmission fluid mixing. it also has a transmission cooler. ive replaced the radiator n flushed everything out n put a fresh gasket, and it was kool for two months. now i got the same problem. can anyone show me a diagram of the tranny lines n how they flow thru the radiator n tranny cooler. it would help to see what i need to change. ALSO, when i got the explorer in my hands about a yr ago the overdrive switch never worked???????? my tranny is model 4r70w rear wheel drive

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If you have coolant in your tranny fluid, the only interface is inside the the radiator. Was it a new one, or a junk yard special? If you have an aftermarket tranny cooler, the flow is supposed to be from the tranny, to the cooler inside the radiator, to the aftermarket cooler and back to the tranny.

To determine which line is oil to the radiator, disconnect both. Start the engine and see which one oil comes out of.

yeah it was brand new aftermarket. no leaks jus. mixing fluids. should i have replaced the little trans cooler along wit the radiator thanx

o and what would cause the radiator to go out like thats. cause it was brand new

Never confuse "new" with "good". Over the years, I've seen many "new" parts that were junk out of the box.
A radiator isn't something I'd be inclined to get off of E-Bay, Craigslist etc.
