Troubleshooting power window issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Troubleshooting power window issues


December 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Columbus, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Limited
On my wife's 96 Limited, the front power windows are 'sticky'

I've replaced the gear with clutches in ford power window assys before, but this doesn't seem to be the same thing.

The windows start to roll down, and the motor bogs down. It will eventually roll the window all the way down, but it slows significantly. Sometimes, the headlights dim slightly when I try to do this.

When rolling the windows *up*, things work perfectly.

The rears work just fine.

Is it possible that the regulators are just gummed up with something?

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Same problem here. It's as if it's taking so much voltage that the battery gauge sometimes goes down from it..

Gummed up window mechanism would be my thought.

I had my door panel off to fix a power lock problem and lubbed the window mechanism while I was in there. It had been slightly slower than when new and lubing it made a big difference.

The thing I do wonder about is mine was slowish up and down, yours apparently only going down.

Still, I'd recommend popping the door panel and lubing it.

Lube it where, exactly, and with what? Thanks...

I just used a spray can of white lithium grease like you'd use on door hinges, etc.

When the door panel is off and you run the window up and down you'll see the parts that are moving, the track the lift arm runs in, hinge points, and so on. If it moved, I sprayed it.

By the way, don't get it on the glass! It took me days of cleaning the glass daily to get rid of it.
