underbody neons, should i put silcone on the ends? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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underbody neons, should i put silcone on the ends?


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
i just installed my street glow (gold series) underbody neons last night, i had some on my old car a couple years ago, and i was wondering if i should use some silcone around the ends of the tubes for added protection against water leaking in, since thats what happened to me last time.

your thoughts are appreicated


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when i had underbodies, i never had problems with leaking, but i supposed a little silicone wouldnt hurt.

Shouldn't need to. The Gold Series tubes are very well built, I haven't heard of anybody having leaking problems. I know I never had any.

def do it. why not. i had underbodies on my ex and now they are broken for a combination of water leaks and ramming my front end into snow banks.

really...that many problems with them on en ex? i plan on putting mine on later this summer...hopefully i will be getting them for my bday. i had them on my contour and my buddy just got them on his '03 dakota 4x4, so i am getting the itch again.

Just for reference where did you get your strret glows and how much did you pay for them?

$150 from thezeb.com

i put mine on yesterday too white ones. they are really nice with rims.

yeah i wish i could affoard some 18's or 20's but i got the stock chrome rims which are fairly nice though

i didn't notice you chose white i really like that color

me too, it compliments my X nice at night...
