Very concerning issue | Clashing Noise at Front | Need advise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Very concerning issue | Clashing Noise at Front | Need advise

Oliver Wirkus

New Member
November 1, 2016
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Explorer 2017 XLT, 3.5L
Hi guys,
I have a very concerning problem with our 2017 XLT and I really need your help, please!
About a year ago, I noticed a clashing and rattling sound when I drove over cracks, bumps and potholes. It sounded like something was loose, and metal was clashing on metal. I drove to our small local repair shop and they diagnosed old rubber bushings. A few days later, they exchanged some of those rubber bushings, and at first, the noise was gone.
A few months later, it was back and even more dominant. Whenever I drove over 'sudden' cracks or small bumps, this clashing noise from the front was clearly noticeable, and I think sometimes you can even feel it very slightly in the steering wheel.
I got back to the repair shop; they checked the rubber bushings, and all were tight. No issues there. This time, they identified a loose metal plate below the engine (below the oil filter and AC pump). They told me it was loose, and they tightened it. Besides that, they couldn't find anything. Obviously, that didn't fix it and the the sound.
Again, a few days later, I got back there and asked the chief technician to take her for a ride. Previously, I found a small road nearby that was bumpy enough to point him to the issue. He agreed, took her for a ride, came back, and told me that the joints most likely needed to be replaced.
We scheduled another appointment, and they checked the joints, but they were all fine. We discussed the next steps, but I noticed they ran out of options. I asked if the front suspension struts could cause the issue. They agreed to check. A few minutes later, they came back smiling and told me "We found it". The showed me, that the top screw of the front left suspension strut was crooked, which means that the plate below appears to be broken. Replacing both would have been almost 1000 CAN$, so I told them to replace the left one first.
Another appointment was scheduled a few days later; repair tool took almost 2 hrs and the sound .... wasn't gone. It was better now, with less rattling and closing, but the sound was still noticeable.

There are days with less noise and days with more of those clashing noises. I think (but am far from sure), that the outside temperature could have an impact. Warmer appears to mean less noise.

Still, this clashing noise is noticeable whenever I drive over a 'sudden' bump, crack or pothole. Smooth bumps, like speed humps, are not a problem. The same is true for smooth bumps on the highway. Driving slowly in our hood with a bumpy road, and it clashes, rattles and "clonks'' like there is something loose under the hood. I can't tell if the noise comes from the left or right sides. I tend to think it's both sides, but I am not sure.

Driving out XLT isn't fun anymore, and I don't want to continue paying our local repair shop for fixes that won't work. I still refuse to drop by our local Ford dealership, as that will very likely become a costly experience just for their investigations.

I'd like to reach out to you. Did any of you experience this with your Explorer? Any idea what this could be?


Hi Oliver. I can understand not wanting to pay a dealer fee for attempting to diagnose an issue, but sometimes it's less expensive than continually 'throwing' parts at it as many have found out. Of course some issues can be difficult to isolate, as you've experienced. I lease my vehicles and the dealership is the only place I go to for issues.
Good luck.


Sway bar links are the first thing that comes to mind. Struts should always be replaced in pairs. To locate a noise an assistant outside the vehicle can aid from where about the sound is coming and which side. Does it make noise with brakes applied, that would eliminate brake pads. What is the vehicle mileage?
