Voice commands ... do you really use them? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Voice commands ... do you really use them?


November 3, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Ford Explorer XLT
Hi all.

Have had my 2011 Ford Explorer XLT for about 9 months now and have noticed that other than using some voice commands for dialing the phone while I'm driving, I don't really use the feature for anything else. So far I find it just quicker to tap the screen (when it's not playing "push me again and maybe I'll respond ... or maybe I won't" (oh how I'm waiting for the update ...)) or press the applicable buttons on the console.

Just wondering if anyone else is using the voice command feature for anything other than the phone.


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I use them all the time for phone and music. I rarely use them for climate control, and I don't have integrated nav.

I've had my Ex for about 1 year, and also mostly just use voice commands for phone calls. Sometimes I use it to activate the turn by turn directions.

My problem is trying to remember the correct phrasing for some of the other commands, so I get frustrated and end up using the touch screen.

All the time for Sirius station names like Fox News, HLN, 20 on 20 ect....

I use it regularly, mostly for nav and phone, less for radio, rarely for climate.

I almost know how to talk to it; so I set it to the advance mode which speeds things up considerably. It still takes a lot of patience.

I use it daily for Navigation, entering street addresses, or just saying "Destination home" is great. I find using voice for finding songs, playlists, or artists is also great. As has been discussed previously the music browser is slow, clunky, and hard to use. I rarely touch the screen for anything but switching from home to map, or turning on the seat heaters.

I'd like to use it daily. If it worked.

Sometimes when I press the 'voice' button it works. Sometimes it just plain ignores me. Sometimes it thinks about the state of the world for a bit and then it works. Life's full of surprises.

Hi all.

Have had my 2011 Ford Explorer XLT for about 9 months now and have noticed that other than using some voice commands for dialing the phone while I'm driving, I don't really use the feature for anything else. So far I find it just quicker to tap the screen (when it's not playing "push me again and maybe I'll respond ... or maybe I won't" (oh how I'm waiting for the update ...)) or press the applicable buttons on the console.

Just wondering if anyone else is using the voice command feature for anything other than the phone.


Use them all the time for everything from navigation to phone, but primarily music. Have a USB stick full of music and I'm forever saying "Play Song **", "Play Artist **" or "Play Album **"
