Wanted - WANTED: 99 4.10 front diff | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted WANTED: 99 4.10 front diff

Parts or services wanted


Elite Mountaineer
Elite Explorer
December 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Mountaineer V6 4x4
I'm looking for a front diff w/ 4.10 gears. It's for a 99 Mounty so any year 98-01 should do. Thanks, Al

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Hey Si,

I have a 4.10 ring and pinion, but I want to swap the whole diff if possible. The diff swap is easier and quicker than installing the gears since the diff is going to come out anyway. What would you want for the whole thing? Wondering how much it would cost to ship it? Let me know.

Thanks, Al By the way the EATC system works great! I love it.

I'll fish it out of the truck and drain is as much as poss and see if I can get UPS to ship it.. and let you know does $120 plus shipping sound ok?

Glad the EATC worked and you're happy!!


Sounds good, as long as shipping isn't crazy expensive. If I can find one locally it's going to be $175-200 so if it ends up less than that I'll be golden. Thanks.

Thanks, Si. Like I said, "if" I can find one locally. Haven't had any luck thus far. So you might just save me here! lol

Hey Si. Let me know if you find out anything on that diff. Thanks.

I've not had a chance to get out there yet bud, been mad busy here... I'm aiming to get out there this week though


I have one. $150, shipped to you.

Hey Si, sent you a PM...

Found one! kbabiak comes through again. Great vendor, very easy transaction. Always a pleasure to deal with. Thanks karl.

I have a 4.10 front diff from a 99 I have been trying to get rid of since August 2011, if anyone needs it $75 plus shipping and it is yours.

