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Weird Noises from subs


Explorer Addict
December 9, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Smithtown, Long Island, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport 4x4
Sometimes when I turn on my car my subs make this humming noise for about a second then it stops, I have no idea what could cause this. And sometimes I hear static through my door speakers when the radio is muted all the way down so there is no noise at all, this occasionally happens when playing it also. As well I don't know why this happens and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Do you have the subs and the door speakers running off the same amp? If yes, then I would suspect your amp is having some problems. If no, then it's probably the head unit.



No they both have their own separate amps. And the amp for the subs is brand new. I have also had some minor problems with the head unit but nothing major. I had them hooked for about 2 weeks and no problem then one day when it was raining i heard this really loud humm every time i turned the car on. Then it was good for a little and it came back today. I am stumped.


The two problems to me sound like they're not really related. The static sounds like a short somewhere, or some wires are grounded inadvertantly. The second problem, about the subs humming, I had that problem as well right after it rained. Unfortunately, I didn't fix it, it just seemed to go away a few weeks after and just before I took it in to an installer to have it looked at. But I would have that humming problem all the time, not just when I was starting the car. It's most likely it's humming a little when played too, you just can't hear it. If moisture reached any of the system, I guess the salts in the water could act to conduct and ground your system. If I just had the key in the ignition for the amp to come on, and would shake the car a little, I'd even get a little response from the subs, so all I can think of is there was water somewhere creating some electrical connection. Check to see everything's dry, including the fuses under the hood.

Sorry, all I can think of.

I'd check all your connections both at the head unit and the amp, esp. the RCA cables. Are you running RCA or speaker level inputs to your amps? Does your head unit have one or two pairs of RCA outputs? I'd then check all the connections at the speakers, then the power cables at the amps and at the battery. The amps are sharing the same grounding point on the chassis, right? Try moving that to a different location. If all else fails, you could always temporarily swap in a new head unit (borrow a friend's, put the factory one back in), and see if that solves it. Then you'd definitely know the head unit's at fault. That's all I can think of too at this point. Good luck!



I have dual RCA's and they are on opposite sides of the car from all power wires. The water sounds like the possible problem and I am going to check that out tomorrow morning. Thanks and I'll let you all know what I come up with.

Hmmm... so the aliens talk to you too....


LOL!!!! Yea I guess.... LOL

Another thing no one seemed to mention was possible alternator wine. If you have the sub's amp wired directly to the car battery it's possible but not probable that your getting alternator wine throught the power lead.

The noise does sound like a whine but I have the power connected to the starter relay, not directly to the battery. It goes from there to a 60 amp fuse under the hood then to the back to a distribution block with more fuses in it. I am pretty sure I have narrowed it down to the head unit because it has been acting weird lately and when I hear static in the speakers, I turn it off and back on and it goes away. One day I hope to replace it with an Eclipse deck.

Alright, after testing stuff out the whine gets lower as I accelarate but when at idle, it is the loudest. My Dad said that the power wire is too close to an ignition wire but I don't know. Any help is greatly appreciated.
