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What can a tune help?


Active Member
February 15, 2016
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'07 Sport Trac 4.6 4x4
So heres what id like to improve:
CEL from IMRC malfunction
Quicker downshifts
Firmer shifts
No more 1st gear lunge when slowing to a stop

The other thing that I think can't be helped is that the radiator fan is really loud and seems to be on too much. I watch the gauge and its very stable. Ive got good fluid and a new radiator.

Ive also been entertainment the thought of getting some 4.0l 4x4 diffs because they are 3.73 as opposed to my 3.55s. Not sure if its the same strength and size and all.

Any help from the community would be appreciated.

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Ide be interested to know as well. I dont think many folks tune on their own Explorers though. Im on the fence...I just need to get the Ford credits for HPTuners, because all I have is GM credits. $100 and I could mess with mine. But if all I can do is play around with a few things, Im holding off.

Getting rid of the lunge would be great. Getting the throttle response more crisp would be great. As well as a few other little tweaks.


I had my 03 tuned by Henson performance (as far as i know he closed his doors awhile ago), but the tune was probably my favorite investment. I am going to get my 08 a tune from brenspeed as they seem to be the only company that has invested some time into researching our rigs.

On my 2003 v8 the tune provided
-Smoother, Faster, Firmer shifts. my post tune explorer's transmission to this day is one of the best shifting transmissions I have ever seen. Period.
-Faster throttle response, A LOT faster.
-A modest HP gain as a result of 90 and 93 octane tunes.

I know that an actual tuner(person with correct equipment/software/training) can disable certain systems and warnings but you will not be able to do that with a handheld tuner, you will need to visit a shop.

Could they do that in a "canned" tune as i buy the tuner from them?

Which part?
the brenspeed tune is supplied on an SCT X4 handheld tuner, *EDIT* they will build a slightly modified tune for you based upon any mods you have installed, in my opinion a superior tune than the "canned" tune supplied stock on x4. This costs $400. If you wanted anything extra custom from them I image they will want to sell you a "custom" tune for another $95. Give them a call and see what they can do for you. If they cant or wont help you you can always call around your local performance shops, though that will likely cost quite a bit more.

http://www.brenspeed.com/trucks-explorer---sport-trac-custom-tuning.html <-- link to their explorer tuning services.

Which part?
the brenspeed tune is supplied on an SCT X4 handheld tuner, *EDIT* they will build a slightly modified tune for you based upon any mods you have installed, in my opinion a superior tune than the "canned" tune supplied stock on x4. This costs $400. If you wanted anything extra custom from them I image they will want to sell you a "custom" tune for another $95. Give them a call and see what they can do for you. If they cant or wont help you you can always call around your local performance shops, though that will likely cost quite a bit more.

http://www.brenspeed.com/trucks-explorer---sport-trac-custom-tuning.html <-- link to their explorer tuning services.

Thats all I meant. If I buy the handheld tuner can i give them a list of programed adjustments id like to make.
