What do you guys think of these rims? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do you guys think of these rims?

Well I officially ordered the Limited 208s! I'm pretty stoked, hopefully this time it'll go a little better. I waited until after the Labor Day weeked to order, and in doing this I got a better price. I should have them in a 1-2 weeks.

I'm going to be running a 275/40/R20 Pirelli PZero Rosso Asimmetrico. This tire is rare and expensive but it'll be perfect for my truck's height.

Here's a poor chop of the 208s on my truck.

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looks awesome. cant wait to see the real pics. i just realized you're gonna be running tires capable of 180+ mph for extended periods of time. time for a chip. :D

Oh yeah, you know I frequently dabble in the 180+ MPH range. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Hartman
Oh yeah, you know I frequently dabble in the 180+ MPH range. :rolleyes:
you never know..... a set of swaybars, a turbo running 30psi, and much pleading with God could get up to about 145 for a little while. :p

Nice! Those should look pretty sweet. They make em in 4.5 X 5 right?;)

Nope but they do make them in 5x4.5 :p

Why only 20s. Those tires, if i think i know what they are, are going to blow in the winter in indy. And definatly if it was like the one we had last year.

Originally posted by gumarcel
Why only 20s. Those tires, if i think i know what they are, are going to blow in the winter in indy. And definatly if it was like the one we had last year.

Anything over 20 looks tacky on an X and I am pretty sure he is gonna run stockers in the winter.

Yeah I'll definately be running stocks in the winter. 22s are too big for a mid-size SUV and they would lift my truck up about 2-3 inches. I like to be low and have big wheels.
