Wheel and Tire Size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel and Tire Size


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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City, State
Anchorage, Ak
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4x4
I'm putting spacers (2.25 in the front and 1.75 in the back). Whats the biggest size wheels and tires i can put on without having to trim anything? Anyone know?

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It truly depends on the type of wheel you get...what the diameter you want to go with and what the offset is.

If you don't want to trim ANYTHING....you will need to stick around a 32" overall tire diameter. Anything around the 33" size is going to involve trimming.

What diameter wheel are you looking at? Needs to be 16" or larger to clear the stock calipers. (waiting for someone to chime in with the thread showing the 3rd gen on 15's that had to modify the calipers....)

I was thinking 31's or 32's for the tires and 17-18 for the wheels. I just wanted to make sure they would fit w/o trim before I buy.

My suggestion would be a 265/75/16 tire...your choice if you want to use it on the stock wheels or not. This is a 31.6" tire (exact diameter will vary from tire design). If you buy wheels, they need to be at least the offset of the OEM wheels, or slightly more negative. My wheels have a -4.03 offset on 33" tires with that same spacer lift you're talking about, plus I have a 3" body lift.

You can't go wrong with a 265/75/16 combo....I personally wouldn't do a 17-18" wheel on a 31-32" tire on a lifted truck, just wouldn't look right (to me) :cool:

my stock wheels are 17 if i can fit tires on them that look good that would be great, then I can save up and get some better wheels.
