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Wheels are on....Ck it out...

That is a sweet ride.Now you need a saleen sticker kit down the side:D

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That is one of the cleanest X's ive seen. looks great Frank. I love those rims, never saw them on a truck before. one question though......in the pic of the rear of the truck, it looks like your emblem is white. is it or is it just a glare? if not you should think about it, because it looks like it would be a nice little upgrade. just my 2 cents. keep up the good work!

If you color matched your bumpers that would look even sweeter. I want to do that with my black X.

Originally posted by 2k1exsport
......in the pic of the rear of the truck, it looks like your emblem is white. is it or is it just a glare? if not you should think about it, because it looks like it would be a nice little upgrade. just my 2 cents.

Great minds think alike-
(I don't know if I would reccommend spending $40 on an emblem to everyone though.....)


where did you get all your saleen stuff:

hood, bars, wing, wheels, etc...


ps- how's the ride with that wheel/tire combo compared to the cobra's

The ride is no different, or maybe a little better. I think the Michelins have a lot to do with it. The handling is much better though.

I got the Saleen stuff when they were blowing Explorer parts out last summer - after they decided to abandon the X.
