WHen do open diffs slip? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WHen do open diffs slip?


Well-Known Member
November 12, 2002
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Toronto. Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 xlt
I think the subject post might make me look like an idot, i know generally under what conditions an open diff would silp (when cornering, one wheel off the ground, etc). however, i've noticed, that even when the traction is not equal, i get two trails of skid marks from the rear, however I also know, and have seen first hand that i have an open diff (unfortunately).

My question is, what is it about these, or maybe all truck diff's that give it a higher threshold then say the average car? With most cars, it's only one wheel you will get to spin, even in snow, with the X, there seems to have to be a larger difference in traction to let it slip...

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So are you saying that you can get both tires to spin when on level ground, but when one wheel is in the air, only that wheel spins? If this is the case, then you probably have the limited slip. My 98 sport with LSD does this, but my dads 96 is open, and only one rear wheel will ever spin.

the power will always go the path of least resistance in an open differential... if there is no binding one either side, it can send power to both, but with an open diff, this normally doesnt happen....

The answer: always.

However, that doesn't mean an open diff is always gonna just send all the power to one wheel. Usually unless the wheels are on drastically different surfaces (or no surface at all) at least some power will go to both; it may not be enough to turn the wheel, but it will be getting something.

Leaving 2 skids is normal on dry pavement even with an open diff. However, if you were to say that one was on ice and the other on pavement and both spun then there's something up.

I am fairly certain that I don't have a limited slip (although i'd like that), but it does seem to be a little better than some open's I've seen, than only have one wheel spinning all the time.

I know this is a little off topic, but they do have lockers that are automatic - don't they, so that when they detect enough slip they lock up? LIke the powertrax?

like right here,
notice the driver side wheel is spinnin and the pass. isnt?

Who's driving???:eek:

LoL someone asks that every time. He is handing down/out thr driver's side window a little, so he is hidden.
