When to change tranny fluid & diff fluid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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When to change tranny fluid & diff fluid


Active Member
October 15, 2009
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Hey guys, so My truck is at 205,000km and at about 140,000km i topped off the tranny(5spd mazda tranny)fluid and the rear differential fluid. I did not flush, just top off.

So, should I just top up the fluids of the tranny and rear diff again or should I completely drain them?
It is possible that they havent been completely flushed since the car was first put on the road (205,000km ago lol)

BTW, truck is the 99' XLS 5spd manual, 4WD.


I'd have to say it's about that time to pop the diff cover off and put some new fluid in there, especially if you've ever sunk the rear end into some water.

Can't hurt it anyways right?

well like i said i just topped off the fluids at 140,000km, but didnt fully flush them.
anyway yea I'll probably flush them

so what are the number codes for the tranny fluid and the rear differential?


ahh i gotta take off the diff cover eh.. that sucks man, the rust is unbelievable.

oh, and i don't have an LSD, right? Its a 4L OVH 4x4, not AWD. with electric switch saying: 4x4 auto, 4x4 high, 4x4 low.
