Where to put amp(s) in 2006 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to put amp(s) in 2006 Explorer


New Member
March 7, 2010
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City, State
Port Neches, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
I recently purchased a used 06 Explorer XLT. I already replaced the stock head unit, and this weekend I am going to tear it apart, install a bunch of sound dampening, replace the speakers, and install at least one amplifier. The amplifier I am definitely installing will be for two 10" subs that are going in a box in the back. The vehicle did NOT come w/ the factory sub.

The big problem here is this: I have 2 kids who play sports and I have 2 dogs. I need the space in the car. We routinely have extra passengers and use the 3rd row seats. I need cargo space and foot room. I can give up the amount of space I need for the box - it's not overly large.

The amp that I'm installing with the subs is a 2 channel that's not especially large .. 3"x11"x10". I've found that it sort of fits under the second row bench and the passenger seat, though in both cases the amp sticks out a bit into the foot room. I need a better location, but I don't know where.

The second amp I would like to install would be for the new speakers, and it's a 4 channel amp with a much larger footprint. Probably 2.5"x11"x16". I feel pretty doubtful that there is any suitable place for this thing.

Anyone had any luck finding a place to hide an amp in one of these things? I'd really expected to at least be able to stuff one up under the passenger seat - all the way under it. I am sort of hoping that there's some empty space behind the rear driver side plastic panel in the back to stash the little amp, but I don't expect that will happen.

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This is on a 2002:

Covered up:

Sub I had:

jad2411 is there a reason you put it in that side and not the other? I've yet to disassemble mine back there so I have no idea what's there.

beastb15 what is ABS plastic? Sorry, I've never done any customization, just installed and hid amps under seats :) Better yet - would the amp not have fit where you've got it behind the factory plastic? Also, is that another amp/crossover on another panel behind the one I can actually see? That's sick!

jad2411 is there a reason you put it in that side and not the other? I've yet to disassemble mine back there so I have no idea what's there.

beastb15 what is ABS plastic? Sorry, I've never done any customization, just installed and hid amps under seats :) Better yet - would the amp not have fit where you've got it behind the factory plastic? Also, is that another amp/crossover on another panel behind the one I can actually see? That's sick!


Nah, the amps wouldn't fit behind the factory panel. I went to the junk yard and bought a spare panel so I didn't have to cut mine. Yep, there are 2 amps and 2 crossovers there. You can kinda see what i've done here:


ABS plastic is just a plastic sheet (basically what our panels are made of). You can mold it, fold it, trim it and shape it however you want. I'm going to mold it to fit, make an access panel, texture it and paint it to match (i believe the color is Medium Prairie Tan)


Nah, the amps wouldn't fit behind the factory panel. I went to the junk yard and bought a spare panel so I didn't have to cut mine. Yep, there are 2 amps and 2 crossovers there. You can kinda see what i've done here:


ABS plastic is just a plastic sheet (basically what our panels are made of). You can mold it, fold it, trim it and shape it however you want. I'm going to mold it to fit, make an access panel, texture it and paint it to match (i believe the color is Medium Prairie Tan)

Interesting. I'm pretty useless with that sort of thing. If yours comes out good, make another and I'll pay you for it :)

On the other side I have the rear AC so no space left over for the amp. I did loose the crappy storage space there that has never in almost 2 years been missed, so it wasn't a big deal for me.
Time wise it was around a 6 hour instal in my buddy's shop, with me doing all disassembly and small jobs like that while he wired tuned and prettied it up.

On the other side I have the rear AC so no space left over for the amp. I did loose the crappy storage space there that has never in almost 2 years been missed, so it wasn't a big deal for me.
Time wise it was around a 6 hour instal in my buddy's shop, with me doing all disassembly and small jobs like that while he wired tuned and prettied it up.

Oh, is that what's in there? I have rear air too. Yeah the storage space is useless. Thanks for the help :)

Last question - does anyone have a guide on how to remove all the trim panels and such? I'm not finding one on the site.
