Where to run amp power wire? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to run amp power wire?

I would use the capacitor exactly how it's illustrated in the manual.

And you already know this, but you had the cap hooked up backwards. You always go from the + of one item to the - of another.

unfortunately, I have no clue where the box and manual are, which also had the resistor in it.

Here's the thing.. I had this box, with amp, cap, and all, in my Bronco2. After I bought my Explorer, all I did was unhook the ground cable from the amp, and one wire off the cap, and left the cable running from the cap to the + on the amp. I woulda swore that the + from the battery connected to the other pole on the cap.
I believe I may have it hooked up correctly, because just about every time when I first turn on my stereo, the subs thump, but only for a couple seconds.. they do still thump, but VERY quietly.. and after checking the voltage across the cap, being only 5-7 volts, I feel that I need to "charge" the cap. And I do remember doing that when I first installed the cap.
So hopefully I will either find the box, w/ manual and resistor, or just stop by Radio Shack on my way home to hopefully get a resistor from them.

I really do feel the problem is the voltage in the cap. I think what it does, is only regulate the voltage it's "set" to. It's an old cap, not like the newer ones that require a seperate chassis ground. Since the cap set for so long without a power source, the voltage slowly drained. And now that it's down to 7v, all it does is regulate that 7v. Once I "recharge" it back to ~12v, it should work.

Will find out tomorrow when I get home from work!

well crap, yeah I think you're right.
I need 2 ground cables... one for the amp, one for the cap.

+ bat to + on cap, + on cap to + on amp, then a ground on the cap, and ground on the amp.

jeebus, been too long since I've done this stuff.
now to find the wires I had, heh...
