Whining noise in idle changing with rpm...possible causes ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whining noise in idle changing with rpm...possible causes ?


Well-Known Member
February 16, 2017
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Germany / Thüringen
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2013 Sport
Whining noise in idle changing with rpm...possible causes ?

In the beginning it was my intention that the AT (had low fluid level) was the cause....now I have filled up (700 ml) and the noise comes back, especially in warm conditions (not in the morning)...

PTU ?? The leak (?) I have observed down on my AT case is gone / cleaned it and it comes not again / have no "typical" leak on the PTU top (vent hose)
Pulley (have changed the belt because of another noise, this has gone now))

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Could be anything with a pulley, bearing or belt that is connected directly to the engine.

You will need to get under there and try to find the area where the noise is coming from. We can't hear it for you. A mechanic's stethoscope would probably be useful.

Yes, of course...
Ford doesn`t find anything...
Belt is new...tensioner pulley is checked...
PTU: don`t know if all Sports have a PTU temperature sensor (too many friction - high temp - failure code !??) BUT: the PTU doesn`t work in N or P...

Did read it / EB engines in Sport models have a temp sensor...

Is your A/C on or off when this happens? My compressor gets louder as the RPM's rise when the A/C is on, makes a whining/whirring sound

On... I shall try it tomorrow...

AC on or off / always the same !
Now more than 3000 km later the noise is a littlebit louder / always at about 1500...2000 rpm...
This week I try a new tensioner pulley...

New tensioner pulley, new belt, all pulleys without problems...I have to continue searching ! One service man and I thought the noise comes from back in the car (but the car doesn`t need to move to produce the noise / in idle at about 1500 rpm)...

New tensioner pulley, new belt, all pulleys without problems...I have to continue searching ! One service man and I thought the noise comes from back in the car (but the car doesn`t need to move to produce the noise / in idle at about 1500 rpm)...
Have you checked the cooling fans and/or alternator? I don't know if there is a 'quick' connect/disconnect for them but there several fuses that could be pulled to silence them.


Cooling fans: until now: no
Alternator and crankshaft pulley: checked by hand (new belt)...

Checked the cooling fans and the alternator and climate compressor (by hand / as we changed the pulley): nothing there...

But am I right ? In idle all the PTU, driveline and other things "back" the transmission are not in movement...but it seems that the noise comes from right side and more from behind...one Ford service man seems the same...

It comes all the time at about 1500 rpm in idle or in gear (city), and after this up to 2000 / then the engine ist too "loud" to hear it...

Always the same noise: AC, blower, radio, climate, recirculation on/off...

The most common whine noise on an engine is usually the alternator. Pop the belt off and see if it stops. If you have a weak battery or high electrical demand the alt can whine and be normal.

Checked the cooling fans and the alternator and climate compressor (by hand / as we changed the pulley): nothing there...

But am I right ? In idle all the PTU, driveline and other things "back" the transmission are not in movement...but it seems that the noise comes from right side and more from behind...one Ford service man seems the same...

It comes all the time at about 1500 rpm in idle or in gear (city), and after this up to 2000 / then the engine ist too "loud" to hear it...

Always the same noise: AC, blower, radio, climate, recirculation on/off...
My cars doing it now but it's 97 and it sputterd like it was out of gas idk if you had the issue at all as well making me think is the fuel pump issue

My cars doing it now but it's 97 and it sputterd like it was out of gas idk if you had the issue at all as well making me think is the fuel pump issue
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