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Whiny noise from engine


Well-Known Member
June 11, 2008
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City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Limited
In the past few weeks, I've noticed a loud and whiny noise when the engine is running. It is definitely tied to RPMS (louder with more RPMS, quieter when coasting) and it does it whether I'm in Park, Drive, or Reverse so I do not think it is transmission related.

I suspect this is either an alternator or water pump bearing that I'm hearing. But I've had alternator bearings and water pump bearings go out before, and this doesn't sound like the high-pitched "chirp" you normally get from those. This sounds more like an electric motor type of whine sound.

Anyone have any thoughts on what I'm hearing? I'm getting no difference in performance on my volt or temp gauges and have no coolant leaks. Is there any chance it could be a flywheel issue? Only flywheel issue I've ever heard was more like a grinding or ticking noise.

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Hadn't considered the PS pump. Had one of those go bad before and it sounded more like a dull moan than this whine I'm hearing. Vehicle has 140K on it, so I'll probably just change out the water pump since they are cheap anyway and see what happens.

Serpentine Belt Idler or Tensioner pulley bearings?

I could locate the general area the noise was coming from, but not a specific area. So, I started with the cheapest and easiest thing and changed out the passenger side idler pulley first. No dice, so I moved to the next cheapest pulley before turning to the water pump. Turns out it was the tensioner pulley. Changed out the serpentine belt too, which looked surprisingly decent for having 140K miles on it.

All fixed with a new belt for less than $100.....awesome.

Thanks to all for the help!

I do not mean to take over this thread but I am having a problem with my water pump bearings. I had some work done at the dealer and after replacing the idler pulley, I was told my water pump bearing is going bad and to keep an eye out for it.

Can the water pump pulley bearing be replaced or at this point, does the entire water pump need to be replaced? I appreciate you help with this one. Hoping to do this myself soon to save a few hundred $ this time around.

I have never changed the water pump on mine, but I've never seen a water pump that allowed you to change out the bearing without replacing the entire pump.

I know exactly the noise you are talkong about. Sounds like a power steering pump. My noise ended up beong the tensioner bearing. Replaced it noise is gone.

I have never changed the water pump on mine, but I've never seen a water pump that allowed you to change out the bearing without replacing the entire pump.

That is what I was affraid of and would explain why the dealer wanted roughly $450 to replace it...and I just replaced to coolant a few months ago.
