"Whistling" on cold start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Whistling" on cold start


Well-Known Member
October 29, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Charlestown, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac LTD
When starting the truck cold (and I mean <20*), I get a whistling that does change with engine RPM. It does not sound like a pulley squeak, but like one of those wooden locomotive whistles, kind of a hollow hoot. This goes away once the vehicle warms a bit, but what is it? I took it to the dealer, and of course, weather warmed and it didn't do it.

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It's the heated PCV valve. Look on the front passenger's side of the intake manifold. You'll see it.

Is it supposed to do that?

Can I fix it, or do I need to head to the dealer for a replacement? I work nights, so getting something scheduled for me is tough.

Dealer. Unless you want to buy the parts.

Pulley squeak

There is a TSB on an assessory pulley squeak, it only happens in the cold and it goes away after ~10 mintues of engine running. The TSB was posted about a month ago so it's still pretty new. It only pertains to the 4.6 V8. I have the same issue and need to take it in for replacement.

Good luck,

There is a TSB on an assessory pulley squeak, it only happens in the cold and it goes away after ~10 mintues of engine running. The TSB was posted about a month ago so it's still pretty new. It only pertains to the 4.6 V8. I have the same issue and need to take it in for replacement.

Good luck,

I haven't taken mine in yet due to time issues (OT abound). Do you have a link to the TSB??

I haven't taken mine in yet due to time issues (OT abound). Do you have a link to the TSB??

bump. I need that TSB. I can't find it. Google hath failed :roll:

Paperwork on my truck has the TSB as 08 04 02, which replaces part number 6L3Z-6C348-A. Good luck.

Thank you. A search for that recall, even by name, is fruitless. I'll go see the guys next week.
