You know you're a complete ass pirate when.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You know you're a complete ass pirate when....


Moderator Emeritus
August 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Sykesville, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
... you've been sitting outside my door since 8:15 trying to talk to my roommate....

I had the election on and this dude who is totally annoying who me nor my roommate mate want around wanted to watch the election and we wouldn't let him in so now he has a lawn chair and is sitting out side my door and has been there for half an hour!!! when my digital camera is done charging and if he's still there i'm going to take a picture of him and let the world witness his lameness. :confused: :rolleyes:

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nevermind kids, after what i believe to be approx, 32 minutes he has finally left...

Oh no, the fun is not over, I am going to take pictures and share his gayness with the world. I actually did have enough time to make up a sign and print it out and slide it under the door. I'd tell you all what it said but it really isn't appropriate. :p

He he .....I've had continual updates in chat...this guy was a total TOOL!!!

The sign would have been good too!

some people don't know how to get a hint...
