Your Advice on Which Brake Rotors & Pads to purchase | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Your Advice on Which Brake Rotors & Pads to purchase


March 16, 2014
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2008 STA
Hi Guys,

I have a 2008 Sport Trac Adenalin. Just purchased this used. The rotors appear so old and crusty I am thinking of freshening them up.

But the main reason is that my truck seems to stop like a boat / tank. It literally feels like im towing a tractor trailer behind me and it takes forever to stop.

The current pads appear good and so do the crusty rotors.

I am looking to see if there is any good or recommended brake rotors and pads or even braided brake lines for this truck to get it to stop better.

Please give me some advice!


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I went with Raybestos Ceramics on all 4 wheels and changed out all of the brake Fluid to Castrol GT LMA (DOT4) fluid.

Massive improvement and less brake dust to clean off.

For the past several years I have been using NAPA ceramic pads and their ultra premium rotors. They have good feel, very little dust, and the rotors don't rust very much. They do cost more than the regular rotors but they were the only ones my wife couldn't kill in a year on her Taurus.

I scored an "open box" set of drilled and slotted rotors with full ceramic pads from Amazon a few months ago. Got all four for less than $125 with shipping! Stop great, almost no dust, and they even look spiffy. Not sure what brand because the original boxes were missing, but everything was brand new with only some minor scratches. I believe the original retail price on the set was about $850, but they had several in the "used" category that were all just opened/damaged packaging.
Just went back and looked again, found this set for $340 (Originally $922)|2008&carId=001&n=15684181&s=automotive
