Not to be a "Stick in the Mud", or whatever,But I feel, as Moderator of this group, a responsibility and that I would be direlict to not call to the attention of any of us that use or are contemplating using Modified, "Peeked", "Export" etc., CB radios, or "Hammers", "Mauls". "Pills", "Modulators", or other devices that are linear amplifiers, that operate or boost power beyond the FCC legal 4 watt output limit.
Also. I feel I should caution everyone not to operate outside of the CB band (26.965 to 27.405 mHz).
The Reason: The Federal Communications Comission (FCC) has been, for the last couple of years, on an enforcement campaign. They are a regulatory agency, and as such, have the power, just like the IRS, etc., to...