Thanks Ford Customer Service! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thanks Ford Customer Service!


Active Member
April 22, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 Limited
I was having some of the typical issues with my 2011 Explorer - A pillar rattle, squeaky brakes, etc. When I called the dealer to make an appointment, they had not heard of any of these issues (it was before the TSB) but told me to bring it in so they could take a look. I had a feeling that "take a look" would mean "we don't know what you are talking about". To save myself some aggravation, I sent a note to Cory who handed my case over to a Ford Customer Service Rep. They were all over the dealer. When I got to the dealer they had already been contacted and were told what to do. When I was told the parts were on back order, Ford kept following up with the dealer to make sure they were addressing everything. At the end of the day, my issues were fixed (except the rain noise as the TSB was not yet out) and I am certain it was all due to Ford CS's involvement. I would highly recommend contacting Cory if you feel you aren't getting the right answers. The Ford CS team was fantastic - thanks everyone!

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Good to hear of the great customer service that you had. It's calming to know that even if the dealership may not have the best customer service, Ford is willing to nudge the dealership in the right direction to help the owner/customer.

That's great to hear. I think it's fantastic that Ford thinks enough of their customers, and our forum to provide support on this site to the new Explorer owners.:chug:

...I sent a note to Cory who handed my case over to a Ford Customer Service Rep. They were all over the dealer. When I got to the dealer they had already been contacted and were told what to do. When I was told the parts were on back order, Ford kept following up with the dealer to make sure they were addressing everything. At the end of the day, my issues were fixed (except the rain noise as the TSB was not yet out) and I am certain it was all due to Ford CS's involvement. I would highly recommend contacting Cory if you feel you aren't getting the right answers. The Ford CS team was fantastic - thanks everyone!
You’re very welcome, dencan! I’ll make sure they know how much you appreciate it. :)

Good to hear of the great customer service that you had...
That's great to hear. I think it's fantastic that Ford thinks enough of their customers, and our forum to provide support to the new Explorer owners.:chug:
Thanks for all the kind words, guys! :D

