Anyone know if they made a 2nd gen EX with V8 and 4:10 axles?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone know if they made a 2nd gen EX with V8 and 4:10 axles??


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am keeping my eye on the CO. insurance auctions. I am looking mostly for a 2nd gen with the 4:10 axles to swap into my 99. But I am also looking for one with a V8 in it. For a donor for my 85 Crown vic project. I have yet to find one with both. Even checking the ones listed nation wide for curiosity. not one with the 5.0 & 4:10s.


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No 5.0s went into sports. They can be swaped though.

It’s supposed to be an option, but if it is, it’s exceedingly rare. I’ve looked at a LOT of second gens (probably between 75-100 v8s) and it ever seen then with 3.73s.

I can tell you that my 98 was a special order with the heavy duty tow package.

5.0L external transmission and power steering cooler.

Oversize alternator and 3.73 LS rear end.

Don't recall if the 4.10 was an option.

I think a lot of the V-6's got the 4.10

No 4.10 v8 option. Only 3.55 and 3.73 (towing package or higher trim models)

But the axle is the same axle whether it's in a V6 or V8 equipped Ex/Mountie.

There isn't any difference it's the same Ford 8.8 or Dana 35, there was no upgraded or heavy duty axle for the V8's.

But the axle is the same axle whether it's in a V6 or V8 equipped Ex/Mountie.

There isn't any difference it's the same Ford 8.8 or Dana 35, there was no upgraded or heavy duty axle for the V8's.
He just wanted both from one donor.

My 99 Ex has open 3:55s. Not to good for Off roading. I was going to swap axles.Hence looking for LS 4:10s axle code D2.

You would be searching for a V-6 then.

I think all explorers had the 8.8 housing.

You could just buy a center carrier off of Ebay and regear the same housing you have.

I am keeping my eye on the CO. insurance auctions. I am looking mostly for a 2nd gen with the 4:10 axles to swap into my 99. But I am also looking for one with a V8 in it. For a donor for my 85 Crown vic project.

4.10s are v6 only on higher trims. Mine has it,but strangely no tow pkg. Was told it was for a bit of pep with the v6 and 16" tires. With 4x4 low you have tons of reduction for offroad, had fun in the snow offroad.

Glad to hear that horrible CFI system is going bye bye on the 85 CV, my first car :lol:. They had plastic timing gears too I think.

I have a D2 4.10 front axle I would give you if you were closer. I already sold the rear. I have not seen a V8 with the 4.10 ratio stock.
