Stuck With An OBS Chevy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck With An OBS Chevy


- When In Doubt, Redneck It Out -
Elite Explorer
February 21, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 C1500
Well, just replaced my '99 Exploder with a '95 C1500 on a 3" bodylift and 33x12.5s. Not a bad rig, loving it actually, just making this here as sort of an introduction; as soon as I have a name for her, I'll start another thread where I update log. Looking forward to this, just as I did my explorer build. Name suggestions would be great, for both this and the exploder, there was a theme of death, hints the exploder name Deathrow, which she ended up on. For now though, here's the new beast with a rebuilt 350 and 4L60E

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I'd say 'Back in Black' except it seems to be Blue, LOL. IMHO Deathrow seemed like an unlucky name. Wishing very good luck this time around!

It was Deathrow for that reason, constantly had to fix something that usually got worse and worse! 😂
Other times, she put other peoples expectations of her "on Deathrow", just blew them out of the water how well she did sometimes. She earned her name well, and shes still fighting so well to avoid the end of the line!

Also, more of a green actually, we "back in green" boys!! 😂


Okay, the lighting there doesnt quite due justice either, still looks bluish, I blame the phone camera, once shes a bit more safe to run around, I'll take her to the woods with an actual camera and try again. But anyway, yes, technically shes green, even according to the title, it is a little odd since from the doors back is faded yet the front isnt faded at all, except the hood, the hood is a actually peeling a bit, slight spot of surface rust on the roof and bed too. All little things I can deal with

now paint it John deere ;) ;) ;) deathrow is now moody after seeing the replacement... ready for the bumper to just fall off... mayeb sure to brush the grille one last time;) who gets deathrow now? hope it sticks around!!! mayeb youcan have 2 wheelers!

If whoever gets her, keeps her, definitely want to see about getting her back someday. But that'll be a few years and by then I'll probably be up in Tennessee. Be a nice chance to tow with the truck!!😂
I cleaned her out nicely all morning, could use a wash and a vacuum, but I kind of prefer her with the dirt, if whoever wants to clean her, they can, besides, pictures I have are all while shes dirty, not washing her now 😂
I don't know about a full paint job, not again, I'll ask around about a shop doing a touch up on her to fix a bit of the fade and keep more from rusting. Maybe down the road, but again, no rush to paint again! Besides, I kind of like the rough look on her! And I do think I prefer this like, deep jadelike green over the John deere, won't knock it till I try it, but this is closer to my preferred shade of green anyway, and few colors do I like on the Rados anyway, black is always nice, white is a no, red is a no, a nice blue can be nice, tan is a no, this green though... I see why people keep their explorers green 😂

No to that Prius green, that one is horrific. I'll stick to this deep green paint!😂

I've also been suggested green goblin as a name, doesn't feel right so far.

@DemonMudder Not a Chevy guy myself, either, but man, they look sweet and those 350s roar like none other. Too bad, about Deathrow, but knowing the demand, and for such a low price, somebody will take her!

C1500 is 2WD and K1500 is 4WD, if I recall correctly, right? Either way it's going to be a fun piece of machinery, juse be careful with a full-size after having run a mid-size for so long, and remember that 4WD ain't just a switch on the dash to get unstuck any more! Ha ha.

Names, how about the Desperado?

@DemonMudder Not a Chevy guy myself, either, but man, they look sweet and those 350s roar like none other. Too bad, about Deathrow, but knowing the demand, and for such a low price, somebody will take her!

C1500 is 2WD and K1500 is 4WD, if I recall correctly, right? Either way it's going to be a fun piece of machinery, juse be careful with a full-size after having run a mid-size for so long, and remember that 4WD ain't just a switch on the dash to get unstuck any more! Ha ha.

Names, how about the Desperado?
I grew up between both Ford and Chevy so I don't really mind either, but I do prefer the obs f150 look overall. This engine definitely roars, sucker had a modified exhaust too, nice and deep, not too loud at idle, louder than stock, but when you tap the gas, oh you'll hear me coming! 😂

Yeah, C is 2WD and K is 4WD, do mine is a 2WD, but even still, guy swapped a 4.10 in, so even like that, plus the 350, I'll still have fun trying to get that thing stuck! Especially when I start looking at new tires in a few months. Yeah, already parking mostly in the parking spots fine, but I always park in the back away from people anyway, so who cares if I take up two spots? I'm longer tjan the suburban by about a foot 😂
Think my brother with his '94 burban is a little jealous that hes now the 3rd biggest truck in the family, I think, I'm assuming a 2001 extended cab long bed is the the length as mine, maybe not, I'll look into it just out of curiosity. Either way, both of these guys compete with that burban all day, especially since I have the same engine and the black 2001 Silverado is an 8.0L 2500!!! 😂

Not sure Desperado sounds right to me, someone at work mentioned Lilith and that won't leave my head though, stays in my death sort of theme too. We'll see, took me two years to name the exploder 😂

I grew up between both Ford and Chevy so I don't really mind either, but I do prefer the obs f150 look overall. This engine definitely roars, sucker had a modified exhaust too, nice and deep, not too loud at idle, louder than stock, but when you tap the gas, oh you'll hear me coming! 😂

Yeah, C is 2WD and K is 4WD, do mine is a 2WD, but even still, guy swapped a 4.10 in, so even like that, plus the 350, I'll still have fun trying to get that thing stuck! Especially when I start looking at new tires in a few months. Yeah, already parking mostly in the parking spots fine, but I always park in the back away from people anyway, so who cares if I take up two spots? I'm longer tjan the suburban by about a foot 😂
Think my brother with his '94 burban is a little jealous that hes now the 3rd biggest truck in the family, I think, I'm assuming a 2001 extended cab long bed is the the length as mine, maybe not, I'll look into it just out of curiosity. Either way, both of these guys compete with that burban all day, especially since I have the same engine and the black 2001 Silverado is an 8.0L 2500!!! 😂

Not sure Desperado sounds right to me, someone at work mentioned Lilith and that won't leave my head though, stays in my death sort of theme too. We'll see, took me two years to name the exploder 😂
To edit, forgot to post the picture with his '01 2500 behind me 😂
I'll have to nab some nicer ones

And does anyone have any idea about this console? Seen something like it before? Its not something that factory came with it. Can't find it online at all, not sure it came from another truck all together, or was made custom. It has littlw tiny bulbs sticking through the black sections, like star lights I'm assuming? But don't work, the other lights, 2/4 work, 3 now but one is a blue led since thats all I had on hand, guessing the the 4th is also burnt out. But no sure on the little lights, or what triggers them and that pocket in the front, is open at the end, so nothing can go in there really without sliding out onto the dash😂

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whats the sticker read?

"I voted" doesn't help 😂
I took out the center light housings trying to find something too, nothing but warnings, so I'm not sure

"I voted" doesn't help 😂
I took out the center light housings trying to find something too, nothing but warnings, so I'm not sure
dang, thought it may have been a brand sticker 🤣 let me hit the google for a bit... sems like it would be at home in a conversionvan! lol!

Looks like a older suburban or Yukon overhead console but I’m not sure
Our 99 1500 outside looks almost identical to your new obs and no overhead dude like that!

May be worth looking into! Nice to know I have a twin! Looks so nice in this color! Also, suggestions for the air intake? Previous owner threw air horns where the intake was supposed to finish for actual cold air rather than the hot engine bay air. So, other suggestions so that I don't have to pull the horns? 😂
Think that may be why I get codes at highway speeds, either that or it really is the egr/O2 sensors, once I'm off the highway, back at like 40-50 mph, usually it goes back off, so it took several attempts over several days now to try and read those codes. But maybe the hot air from the highway traveling rpms are causing it to run more lean?

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do i smell a snorkel in the future :p :p :p hood scoop?

HOOD SCOOP, YOU'RE AN ACTUAL SAVIOR. Or I'm just stupid, 90% sure its option two. Definitely worth looking into that though! Was debating a new hood anyway, wanted to see if I could swap from doing grille lights, to the hood scoop lights like the Ram TRX

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HOOD SCOOP, YOU'RE AN ACTUAL SAVIOR. Or I'm just stupid, 90% sure its option two. Definitely worth looking into that though! Was debating a new hood anyway, wanted to see if I could swap from doing grille lights, to the hood scoop lights like the Ram TRX
yeah! hood scoop time! though snorkel would be good for the water! and those trx lights coolio!
