My newly discovered off -road spot | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My newly discovered off -road spot


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Well thanks to you-tubers I found this location (actually posted spot was close to this but ended up here)....just when there was hardly anywhere within a 2 1/2 hr drive to go off road here in over populated/ over built So Cal.
Broad view of place:

Me Sploder:



AND...what are the odds?.... discovered Fast Dave's stolen truck dumped out on one of the hills...don't ask how it stopped halfway down without rolling... defying physics here..... a little elbow grease and some WD40 (and missing parts) she'll be good as new.....


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where is this located? 😃 it looks nice & open!

where is this located? 😃 it looks nice & open!
Right near Lake Corona.... if you go with buddies don't create a scene with loud music, shooting off guns (like many have at other spots causing shut downs ) so that it REMAINS open. Whereabouts in So Cal are you?

figured id bump this thread back up- been there twice now, great place once you get back there! not many people there both times, pretty much have alot of space to yourself, varying hills etc!

305E0649-B32A-4610-BB2D-BBA864CCA1EF.jpeg 2B30F754-2ACF-4AFF-9BA4-1E45C241A1F8.jpeg 13E1875B-2E8A-4132-AC7C-62BC24055726.jpeg 0632A057-B0A3-421F-A6F4-CAB6644659F1.jpeg

Here's a vid I took of some guy there with a F250 4X a few months back... cool dude. I overlapped video with music track to over ride my cheesy narration. Probably want to click on full screen.....nothing too exciting but.......

I would so tear that place up.... until they shut it down looks like fun
Please "stay the trail", "pack it in pack it out" and all that good stuff maybe the area will stay open for some time if it is cared for

Please "stay the trail", "pack it in pack it out" and all that good stuff maybe the area will stay open for some time if it is cared for
^^^ looks like there have been attempts maybe to keep people out? on the way in theres those concrete barriers on one side but i think thats for the people who dump trash off the side. theres alot of it going in, bumpers chairs boots everything! (even saw a vette bumper and seat!) once youre back there its not bad though. just wish people wouldnt dump everuthing off the side o the path

I would so tear that place up.... until they shut it down looks like fun
Please "stay the trail", "pack it in pack it out" and all that good stuff maybe the area will stay open for some time if it is cared for fix4dirt stated there's been some noticeable dumping along with people going there shooting... the dumping fortunely has been limited to the "main entrance" road.... not to minimize it..
As you stated going to go as much as possible before it gets shut down... LIKE the only other two spots semi local did ! fix4dirt stated there's been some noticeable dumping along with people going there shooting... the dumping fortunely has been limited to the "main entrance" road.... not to minimize it..
As you stated going to go as much as possible before it gets shut down... LIKE the only other two spots semi local did !
wonder if at some point we could organize a clean up :D but then its technically not a designated ohv route, so not sure how that would work if its a big event. probably some friends getting together isnt bad though. gonna need one big truck for that 🤣

/\ I would join in on that but thinking at least two long beds...and then how far is the nearest dump? ..etc..
Another thing, maybe you noticed, is the crazy gun shooting crowd ruined the entire base area where my just posted video / hills are with end to end shot up bottles / glass everywhere --- cleaning that up would be my first priority to re-gain access to those hills / section without worry of tire damage / add Bobcat rental for cleanup cost ...:angryfire:

could also use the bobcat to get rid of all the rocks on the main entrance road too...

im honestly not sure where the nearest dump is... im thinking more than 2 long bed truck easily, at that point can we rent either a few uhauls or at that point just Dump truck

place could use a good clean up though... hmmm let me think about this a bit ;)
/\ I would join in on that but thinking at least two long beds...and then how far is the nearest dump? ..etc..
Another thing, maybe you noticed, is the crazy gun shooting crowd ruined the entire base area where my just posted video / hills are with end to end shot up bottles / glass everywhere --- cleaning that up would be my first priority to re-gain access to those hills / section without worry of tire damage / add Bobcat rental for cleanup cost ...:angryfire:

Made it back out there today.... conquered a new hill.... some various pics:
PIC 3 IS what happens when you live in a soft-on-crime Blue state ...emboldened criminals... poor stolen and shot up 7th gen... never had a chance.
