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LS Swap in a second gen Explorer

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Id take the 94!!!!
TTB forever!!!!

Superior to the LSA IFS in just about every way

Super pumped to watch this build!

I too was searching for a '95 Sport to LS swap for over a year (same reason, emissions exemption). Eventually, I had to broaden my search because I just wasn't finding much and a lot of what I found was beat to death.

Steering clear of all the rust buckets in my area, I was searching across the country and expecting to buy one based off only pictures and have it shipped to me. Eventually I got lucky when an '00 from Texas popped up on Marketplace in Michigan four hours away from me -- that's the Sport I have now.

In Wisconsin, you can register cars that are 20+ years old as "Hobbyist" vehicles and you only have to pay registration and get emissions testing one time (at the time of the initial registration) and then there's never a follow-up. Only restriction is no driving in the month of January, of course you don't want to drive a hobby truck on our salty roads then anyway. Maybe NJ has a similar registration option?

Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming! I know Eric's '99 deleted AC and you want to keep it (I do too), so I'm interested when you eventually get to that. Not to mention, given my recent oil in the cooling system, I may end up trading my 4.0 for a 6.0 and start building along with you...

One of the things I was interested in was learning the GM side of PCM tuning.
I have had to do a lot of reading and watching YouTube videos to get me started, but I have obtained some knowledge to get me going in the right direction.
I am using a free program named LSDroid to read and write the PCM which is called a 0411(12200411) PCM (there are different PCM's but I am using this one so far).
The version of LSDroid I am using is for a PC/Laptop, but it was originally created to use on an Android phone or tablet.
Just wanted to point out that LSDroid for PC has to use a cable to attach to the OBDX PRO at the moment and cannot use the Bluetooth capabilities that the version for an Android phone can. That may change in the future I guess.

I also found programs named Tuner Pro and Universal Patcher that I have been experimenting with. Tuner Pro is for changing things in the tune like turning off VATS (GM's antitheft stuff) and tuning the VE table (and tons of other things) to get the air fuel mixture correct.
Universal Patcher has been helpful in allowing me to see what engines/transmissions are in the tune itself, you could have a 5.3 or 6.0 engine and a 4L60E or 4L80E transmission just for some examples. Universal Patcher tells me which ones are in the bin files (tunes) that I experiment with.
In the GM PCM there are different operating systems, and in those different operating systems there are different segments, which are the tunes (or calibration files) for the engine, engine diagnostics, transmission, transmission diagnostics, fuel, and even speedometer sections.
I was also able to change the VIN to my Ford VIN using LSDroid and Tuner Pro, talk about really confusing people.
So far, I am using operating system 12202088 with calibration segments for my 5.3L and 4L60E, because I found this operating system/calibration combo has an EGR monitor in it which I might need. All the programs I just listed are free, but I think I might end up going with EFI Live for a final solution. HP Tuners seems to be the most common tuning solution, so I am considering them instead but have to do more investigating on that subject.

Here is the GM PCM and some of the tools I am using to experiment and figure things out.
View attachment 432370

Here is the laptop, bench test harness(from EBay), and power supply I have been using for flashing the PCM.
View attachment 432371

A close up of my power supply.
View attachment 432372
Your project -- LS Swap -- sounds like the perfect fix to the Frod 4.0L Timing chain death rattle...

I plan on going with a cam, and I plan on installing the GT500 supercharger on it eventually. Got to get it to fit first.
Here is the link to the LS swapped two door Explorer on this forum..
Now has any one done a Gen 3 or Gen 4 X?

how about a gen 1?

hahahahahahha no
all this talk about gen III and Gen IV is like blah
I like the older trucks 2004 is the last year of the good ones IMO hahahaha
I really like the TTB trucks
I know the LS has found its way into many many many desert trucks, but I have not seen a Gen I Explorer on this forum with one :)

hahahahahahha no
all this talk about gen III and Gen IV is like blah
I like the older trucks 2004 is the last year of the good ones IMO hahahaha
I really like the TTB trucks
I know the LS has found its way into many many many desert trucks, but I have not seen a Gen I Explorer on this forum with one :)
I realized it was you, we all have our bias. I like the 1st gen rangers and explorers.

NY Has a 25 year rule. Anything past 25 model years is completely emissions exempt(never inspected, but there could be EPA rules). Only safety (e.g. it isn't totally falling apart and the parking brake works). Gets the same safety only sticker as a brand new car.

I really like the TTB trucks
I know the LS has found its way into many many many desert trucks, but I have not seen a Gen I Explorer on this forum with one :)
I've done a fair bit of digging on the subject and there's a few decently well-documented Ranger LS swaps online. Just dug back through and all the legitimate builds I found were either '98+ and/or 2wd coil-spring rangers -- didn't see anything TTB.

*not to say it can't be done in a first gen, someone will just have to be the first to pull it off!

If I was going to do an engine swap to a 3rd or 4th gen I would proably go with the Aviator engine with Eaton M112 (Terminator Mustang Supercharger) on top of it.

If I was going to do an engine swap to a 3rd or 4th gen I would proably go with the Aviator engine with Eaton M112 (Terminator Mustang Supercharger) on top of it.

I like the thoughts, but I would buy an Aviator and swap a Coyote 5.0 with the six speed automatic. The 6R has a 4.17:1 1st gear, a 0.70:1 high gear, with no bands at all, great for towing and WOT, plus good gas mileage.

7.3 Godzilla would be cool. 29 inches long and 25 inches wide, it would fit anywhere a 351w would.

7.3 Godzilla would be cool. 29 inches long and 25 inches wide, it would fit anywhere a 351w would.
Could probably fit that in my Rado...not that I can afford it anyway, but that would be an amazing swap! Especially if someone managed this in an X

Could probably fit that in my Rado...not that I can afford it anyway, but that would be an amazing swap! Especially if someone managed this in an X
Could fit in a 1st gen, be close to the radiator. A 4.6 dohc has been swapped into a 1st gen ranger so a 7.3 is possible

Could fit in a 1st gen, be close to the radiator. A 4.6 dohc has been swapped into a 1st gen ranger so a 7.3 is possible
I want to see someone manage it, be an absolute beast of a truck! Seen a few DOHC swaps

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I want to see someone manage it, be an absolute beast of a truck! Seen a few DOHC swaps
Search on YouTube for some 7.3 videos. There are people who have made 750hp and more, much more with boost and better valvetrain parts.

The best part of the 7.3 is that it's a modern design, it has variable valve timing, VVT. So the power curve is huge and flat. It is still a new engine, so long term lifespan is a little unknown. It can be bored to gain a good 25ci, and stroked to get 30ci or more, so imagine a 480 with VVT.
