Seafoam. Yes or no? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seafoam. Yes or no?


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I'm thinking about adding Seafoam to my 2000 4.0 OHV and was wondering how safe it is. Also what's the best way to add it? I've read that you shouldn't add it to the oil, others say to add it to the oil but to change it afterward. The manufacturer says this is the best way:

So has anyone done it before, and what's the best way? I don't want to cause more harm than good by clogging the engine. Thanks.

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I've run it through the intake to help clean the valves and in the crankcase for 500 miles before getting the oil changed. Just follow the directions on the can.

just did it to my moms blazer. no ill effects. i used the seafoam spray can thru the throttle body/plate. bout to use the other 1/2 can in my 97 SOHC using the same method.

once a month i use a can (liquid pour out bottle) in my gas tank to help with my injectors and stuff. no ill effects w/that either.

Love the stuff and swear by it. How to vid in the link in my signature. Works wonders.

I'm a fan too. Search the archives for many others who agree.

Love the stuff and swear by it. How to vid in the link in my signature. Works wonders.

I guess I'm just worried because my X has 157,000 miles and it's never been cleaned in this way. I'll check out the links though, thanks. Hopefully it'll help with my slight engine shaking.

A lot of people say SeaFoam works wonders to their vehicles and actually can help with very very minor problems. I used it in my OHV and haven't had any problems. I didn't get any smoke or crazy stuff like a lot of videos say they do, but I am assuming that's a good thing. I added like 1/3 to the vacuum line and the rest to the gas tank. I say go for it.

Be careful with adding it to the crankcase...

Be careful,

I added 1/3 the bottle of seafoam to the crankcase of my 97 4.0L OHV about 500 miles before an oil change and now the oil pan gasket leaks :thumbdwn: May be coincidental, but I hear this is a strong cleaner, so be careful.


I'm thinking about adding Seafoam to my 2000 4.0 OHV and was wondering how safe it is. Also what's the best way to add it? I've read that you shouldn't add it to the oil, others say to add it to the oil but to change it afterward. The manufacturer says this is the best way:

So has anyone done it before, and what's the best way? I don't want to cause more harm than good by clogging the engine. Thanks.

Love the stuff and swear by it. How to vid in the link in my signature. Works wonders.

A lot of people say SeaFoam works wonders to their vehicles and actually can help with very very minor problems. I used it in my OHV and haven't had any problems. I didn't get any smoke or crazy stuff like a lot of videos say they do, but I am assuming that's a good thing. I added like 1/3 to the vacuum line and the rest to the gas tank. I say go for it.

239, I have a full can of it right now in my F-150's fuel tank as I'm getting ready to replace the spark plugs in my 5.4L 3V engine and I'm hoping to remove them without any problems. I have already noticed about a two mile per gallon increase in my fuel economy and the truck seems peppier!
Varsity, you didn't see any smoke because you didn't put the Sea Foam in your crankcase. That's the only time you will see smoke.
Jlsparky7, Great video's; thanks. But, I tried your link to your Youtube page three times and all three times it locked up my browser - causing me to "ctr/alt/del" and restart Internet Explorer. Try clicking on it from the thread and see if it does the same to you.

Like TomG and celly said, you won't see smoke from putting it in the crankcase. You only see smoke if there is oil and/or carbon deposits in the intake or combustion chambers. The Seafoam helps desolve and break loose the carbon which then burns which is the smoke that you see out the exhaust.

so lets get this straight, remove gunk from engine, and clog cats, hm new cats 2k if its aint broken dont fix it, zero....

as for what a mechanic in a can does, believe what you like.

forgot to add, with proper maintenance, you will not have any gunk to send into the cat's honey comb, so whats the point of this?

wipe bearings out, by breaking the oil down? i seen sludge motors, removing that sludge, this will never do, and if you do remove it, the engine will die soon anyway.... so whats the point. isnt doing better maintenance, or even more frequent oil changes better..... yes. esp since most people probably do oil changes by miles, not engine run time. so you do 5000 miles, but spend 2 hrs a day in bumper to bumper traffic going 10 miles. that engine still ran for 2 hrs. tho it did 2 miles..

its cheaper, better to do more frequent oil changes, then put something that breaks oil down, into oil. heck if you want to do that, just drain oil and run water... same results.

Smoke show vid:

I'm really undecided on the product. I've tried it twice and haven't really noticed much of a difference. I actually posted a thread praising it after that smoke show vid was taken, because I drove back to PA and got 20 MPG highway instead of my usual 15-17. Turns out a vacuum line was disconnected and I was sucking air and running super lean. Once I fixed that, it went back to normal. Can't really say I've ever seen any concrete benefits, but it can't hurt to run a can through, I don't think.

I just wouldn't put it in your oil. I'm of the school of thought that you shouldn't mix anything in your oil that isn't supposed to be there.

I just wouldn't put it in your oil. I'm of the school of thought that you shouldn't mix anything in your oil that isn't supposed to be there.
Yeah, I was a little hesitant to put in my oil too, so I didn't put any directly in there. However, so many people recommend this and swear by it that I feel confident in using it time after time. It kinda seems like injector cleaner to me though.

AGREED. You shouldn't see any smoke if you put it in the oil.

Like TomG and celly said, you won't see smoke from putting it in the crankcase. You only see smoke if there is oil and/or carbon deposits in the intake or combustion chambers. The Seafoam helps desolve and break loose the carbon which then burns which is the smoke that you see out the exhaust.

You guys are right... I don't know what I was thinking. Duh!

I do have to say, though, I've used it in the intake and fuel tank while reviving my old 1965 Mercedes 300SE. The engine smoked like hell before using Seafoam due to varnish and other garbage stuck to the valves and combustion chambers, causing some excessive oil blow-by (I think). After using this through the brake booster hose, and driving it like I stole it after about 15 minutes afterwards, the engine doesn't smoke anymore. I guess I reseated the rings while cleaning out the goo inside the engine. Worked like a charm there... just not in my Ex's oil pan.

Just my $0.02.


I just bought a 1999 4.0 and it has 315k miles on it , it shutters and shakes while idle in gear but not in N or P , i changed the plugs with the same ones that were in it , bosch platinum plus , it helped the shake and shutter but still does it , also cleaned the IAC valve and after i did that it started the humming , but after letting it sit over night with the battery disconnected no CEL but same shutter and shake , but no more humming or whining from intake , i havent changed the oil as i was going to sea foam it , what would anyone recommend , also two of the plugs had Broke electrodes on the first driver side and rear pass side , any help or comments are appreciated , Thanks Bruce

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i changed the plugs with the same ones that were in it , bosch platinum plus...also two of the plugs had Broke electrodes on the first driver side and rear pass side...

I highly recommend not using Bosch 'anything' in the ignition system. The Ford ignition system doesn't play well with Bosch products. A quick search will yield many owners' headaches with Bosch (and some other brands, too.). Broken spark plugs, rough idles, poor performance, etc. have all been documented.

I suggest using Autolite or Motorcraft double platinum spark plugs. Only.
