Warning if you Remove the 2nd Row Console! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Warning if you Remove the 2nd Row Console!

Yes but with two car seats in for the next few years the console will be out, and then you have the big hole in the carpet to look at. I'm very curious how much the all weather mats cover and to see the photos. Too bad really that there is no simple $20 clip on plastic cover to cover the entire area. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest for these engineers to think of.

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I removed the console last weekend. The Husky mats cover most of the hole in the carpet, but not the entire hole. So, I cut the floor mat that came with the car to the size of the hole to fill the gap. The result is good -- not perfect -- but I'm happy with it. Someone who took more time and did a more careful job could probably get an even better result. Here are some pictures.

This picture shows the gaps:


Here is the patch of carpet I cut:


Final result:



Hey Coug, do you still have photos of your Explorer with the 2nd row console removed, they're gone from your original post now. I'm trying to install one in my 2014 Sport but they sent me directions for a 2011 and it doesn't show how much carpet to cut out, photos would help. Thanks

Hey Coug, do you still have photos of your Explorer with the 2nd row console removed, they're gone from your original post now. I'm trying to install one in my 2014 Sport but they sent me directions for a 2011 and it doesn't show how much carpet to cut out, photos would help. Thanks
I would recommend sending him a private message and see if you are lucky enough to get a response. That was his one and only post on this forum and it was Aug. 16, 2012.


Sorry for the delayed response, the email message went to my spam folder.
Attached are pictures with the cover installed and without. The last picture is just without the flash so you might get more detail.




We couldn't fold the seats back because we also have twins. Because the carpet was removed we ended up keeping the console in and jumping over it. Kind of a pain but it wasn't nearly as bad as we expected. We're also very glad we ordered it to use in the near future with just booster seats and we like it compared to the bench seat.

Please share what you come up with.
